Custom List MI

This document describes methods for the creation of custom list transactions over any M3 standard or customer-built M3 table with no coding required. If data is only needed from one single table, we recommend that you use MDBREADMI instead. MDBREADMI provides better performance but less functionality.


A new M3 Custom list MI transaction is created in 'Custom List MI. Open' (CMS015).

Before you start

When creating a new transaction ID, most of the settings are retrieved from an information browser category or an ad hoc report definition. The field 'Ad hoc report definition' on (CMS015/E) controls if the prompt on the 'Information browser category' field is used for 'Ad Hoc Report Group. Open' (AHS100), instead of 'Information Browser Category. Open' (CMS010). Either an existing one is selected, or a new one created, in (CMS010), or in 'Ad Hoc Report Group. Open' (AHS100).

See Information Browser Categories.

Follow these steps

  1. After a new transaction ID has been created, the list can be simulated by related option 11='Simulate list'.
  2. Activate a transaction ID using the related option 20='Update MI repository'. The status is set to 20 and the settings cannot be changed.
  3. The MI repository can then be displayed using the related option 22='Display MI repository'.
  4. If any settings must be changed, use the related option 21='Delete MI repository' first.
    Note: The 'Input' and 'Output' fields in the MI repository will be created with 6 characters (normally only 4). The 6 characters are used if the same field (for example ITNO, 'Item number') should be retrieved from multiple tables.
  5. Complete these settings per transaction ID on (CMS015/E).
    • Sorting orders

      A sorting of the list is based on the sorting option selected for the sorting order. All system-defined and user-defined sorting options (indexes) for the master table are available.

      Use 'Browse' in the 'Sorting order' field to launch 'Sorting Order. Open' (CRS022).

    • View

      The view defines the 'Output' fields. Use 'Browse' in the 'View' field to launch 'View. Open' (CRS020). Fields can be added or deleted.

    • Filters

      A filter is used for selections. Filter fields are used as mandatory input fields. A value must be specified in the filter field and only records containing the same value as the filter are then displayed. The filters are selected starting from the first sorting field and then field by field throughout the sorting definition.

    • Selection 1–3

      Any field from the master table can be used as a 'From' and 'To' selection field. A maximum of three selection fields can be used simultaneously. Selection fields are used as optional input fields.

    • Next filter selection

      The 'Next filter selection' list can be used to specify an additional level of filtering and works together with the selection made in the 'Number of Filters' field. A value for the 'Number of Filters' field must be selected before the options in the ‘Next filter selection’ field are available for selection. This reduces the load on the database and improves performance.

    • Search

      A search query can be used as an input field. The SQRY field is then used as a mandatory input field. A search query cannot be used in combination with filter or selection fields.

    • Include bookmark fields

      Bookmark fields can be included as 'Output' fields. The YPGM (Browse program) and KSTR (key string) fields are added as the final output fields. The Browse program is retrieved from (MNS120) based on the master table.

    • Aggregation

      Aggregation is used to accumulate several records into one record. Aggregation levels are used to indicate how records in the list will be aggregated. Key fields that are not included in the aggregation level will be aggregated. Aggregation levels are selected starting from the first key field and then field by field throughout the sorting option definition.

    • Subtotals

      This is used to insert a subtotal record if the value in a specific key field is updated. Any key field in the selected sorting option can be used as break level for subtotal.