PUR - M3 BE Procurement

POP - Purchase Order Processing

  • 'Purchase Order. File' (PPS920) archives purchase orders transactions viewed in (PPS200). Purchase orders can be archived after purchase statistics are created, normally after invoicing. If 'Delivery schedules' is set to 0: Orders between status 75 and 99 in (PPS200) can be archived. It depends on whether the 'Invoice Reporting' parameter on panel (PPS095/J) is set on the assigned purchase order type. If invoice reporting is set to 0 (No), then purchase orders in status 75 and 99 will be included in the archiving. If the parameter is set to 1 (Yes), purchase orders in status 85 and 99 will be included in the archiving. If 'Delivery schedules' is set to 1: Only orders with status 99 in (PPS200) can be archived.

    Soft selections can be made on the order type, receipt date, last invoice date, and whether only purchase orders created via delivery schedules should be selected.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description
    MPHEAD TF: Purchase order, header
    MPLINE TF: Purchase order, lines
    MPLIND TF: Purchase order line transactions
    MPLIRE TF: Purchase order, line repair
    MPPOPA MF: Purchase order payment table
    MPPOEX MF: Purchase order expediting
    MPPOAD MF: Purchase order address
    MPOPLA TF: Planning proposal archived
    MPOEXP TF: Whole sale calculation order line
    MPDEPR TF: Delivery schedule print
    MSYTXH MF: Text header
    MSYTXL MF: Text line
    FGRPCL TF: Goods receipt line charges
    FGRECL TF: Goods receipt lines
    MPARPL WF: Selected purchase order lines for archive
    MPEXOR MF: PO External reference
    CREVTB MF: Revision table
    Note: The tracking of detailed information on the purchase order from a purchase invoice will not be available after the archiving. Also, the tracing for detailed information on a purchase order that is directly linked to a customer order will also not be available after archiving.
  • 'Claim. File' (PPS925) archives transactions for claims. The program selects from claims with status 90 in (PPS390). Soft selections can be made on the facility, warehouse, and claim date.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description
    MPCLAH MF: Purchase order claim, header
    MPCLAL MF: Purchase order claim, line
    MSYTXH MF: Text header
    MSYTXL MF: Text line
  • 'Inspection Result. File' (PPS940) archives quality inspection statistics viewed in (PPS465). Soft selections can be made on the facility, warehouse, and entry date.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description
    MPQFUH MF: Quality data for follow up - header
    MPQFUT MF: Quality data for follow up - task
    MSYTXH MF: Text header
    MSYTXL MF: Text line
  • 'Supplier Delivery Note. File/Delete' (PPS990) archives supplier delivery note viewed in (PPS360). Soft selections can be made on the warehouse, supplier, and delivery note number.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description
    PDNHEA TF: Delivery note, head
    PDNLIN TF: Delivery note, line
    PPTRNS TF: Delivery note, package
    PFTRNS TF: Delivery note, package details

PSS - Supplier Evaluation and Statistics

  • 'Purchase Statistics. File' (PPS930) archives purchase statistics transactions viewed in (PPS450). Soft selections can be made on the facility, warehouse, receipt date, order date, and minimum number of records to save.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description
    MPURST HF: Purchase statistics
  • 'Supplier Statistics. File' (PPS935) archives supplier statistics transactions viewed in (PPS440). Soft selections can be made on the period.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description
    MVENST HF: Vendor statistics

POB - Purchases Order Batch Entry

'Purchase Order Batch. File' (PPS945) archives purchase order batch transactions viewed in (PPS370). The batch orders must be transferred to Purchased orders (status = 90). Soft selections can be made on PO batch origin, supplier, message no, PO number, and order date.

Records from the following tables are archived:

Table Description
MXBETR TF: PO batch entry transactions
MXCCST TF: PO batch accounting strings
MXHEAD TF: PO head. Batch
MXLINE TF: PO line. Batch
MXOEXP TF: PO charges. Batch
MXPOAD TF: PO address. Batch
MXTEXT TF: PO text lines. Batch