MAI - M3 BE Maintenance

MCO - Maintenance Customer Order Processing

'Maint CO. File' (COS090) archives maintenance customer order information. Only maintenance customer orders in status 60 or higher can be archived.

Soft selections can be made on the invoice date, invoice number, customer order number, customer number, and payer.

Records from the following tables are archived:

Table Description
ACUORL TF: Order line
ACUORH TF: Order header
ACUORD TF: Order documents
ACUORC TF: Order charges
ACUORA TF: Customer order, address
ACUIVH TF: Order invoice header
ACUIVL TF: Order invoice lines
ACUIVR TF: Invoice line reference
ACUINV TF: Order invoice transactions
ACUORP TF: Pre-payment invoice
OSYTXL MF: Text, line
OSYTXH MF: Text, head

WOP - Work Order Processing

'Work Order. File' (MOS190) archives maintenance work order information. Only work orders with status equal to or greater than 90 can be archived.

Soft selections can be made on the actual finish date, reference order number, facility, product number, work order number, and responsible.

Records from the following tables are archived:

Table Description
MMOPHA TF: Work order used phantoms
MMORCO MF: Rate compensators per material
MMOCPN TF: Co-product per operation number
MMOOPS MF: Routing operation activity description
MMOOPE TF: Work order operations
MMOMAT TF: Work order materials
MMOHED TF: Maintenance order header
MMOPTR TF: Operation transaction
MMONET PF: Order headers network planning
MSYTXH MF: Text header
MSYTXL MF: Text line
MWOPLA TF: Service history
MMQIRS TF: WO Inspection results
MMRREM TF: WO reporting remarks
CPOCAW TF: Post calculation maintenance
MBCHED TG: WO head statistics
MBCMAT TF: MO material statistics
MBCOPE TF: MO operation statistics
MMODAT MF: Equipment break down info
MMOMAA TF: Alt. Material – Maintenance Order
MMOSPE TF: Maintenance order head several individual
MMTOTR MF: Work order tool transactions
MOOPPS MF: Operation plan schedule
MOPERM TF: WO permits
MWOPLW MF: Service history – WO
MOTOOL MF: Tool transactions
MMOOPP MF: Routing operation activity, permit lines
MMOOEM TF: Work order OEM operation