Maintain basic data

This functionality describes how to set up the necessary search tables and fields, and actions related to personal data of the data subject information in M3 Business Engine. It is required prior to performing any search for or updates to the personal data in 'Data Subject Run. Open' (CMS210).

Define the search fields

Identify the search tables and fields in 'Data Subject. Connect Search Field' (CMS075) when searching the personal data of a data subject. This table shows the settings which must be defined:

Program/Panel Field Description
(CMS075/B) Data subject

This field is used to define the type of individual who is the subject of the personal data. It can be identified as:

1 - User

2 - Contact

3 - Customer

4 - Supplier

  • Users can be M3 Business Engine users and related roles.
  • Contact can be contact persons with the customer or supplier.
  • Customer can be customers and suppliers that are private persons, an employee buying a product from the company.
  • Supplier can be employees that are paid expenses through accounts payable.
(CMS075/B) Sequence number

This field can be manually specified or automatically assigned by the system. It is used to define the priority tables and fields when searching for the data subject record.

(CMS075/E) Status

The status of the record can be set with these alternatives:

  • '10-Preliminary' is the default status when a record is newly created.
  • '20-Active' is set if the record will be used.
  • '90-Deactivated' is set if the record can no longer be used.
(CMS075/E) Search table

Specify the search table where the personal data of a data subject is stored.

(CMS075/E) Search field

Specify the search field that holds the personal data of a data subject.

(CMS075/E) Description

This field will propose the default 'Search' field name or description and can be overwritten.

(CMS075/E) Search type

This field is used to define the type of personal data from the search field.


1 - Full name

2 - First name

3 - Last name

4 - Address

5 - Phone no.

6 - Bank Account No.

7 - Email

(CMS075/E) Data subject key field

Specify the search key to find the data subject record in the table.

(CMS075/E) Exact match

Select the check box if the specified search data in 'Data Subject Run. Set Search Data' (CMS214) should be an exact match to the data in the record field.

Example: The user record in (MNS150) includes the name 'John Mayer'. If the check box is selected, the search data in (CMS214) must read exactly 'John Mayer'. If the search data is 'John' and should match the user record, deselect this check box.

(CMS075/E) Case sensitive

Select the check box to force a case sensitive search of the personal data.

(CMS075/E) Remark

Use this field to add a comment about the data subject search.

Define actions to take on the fields

Assign an action for the data fields in 'Data Subject. Set Action' (CMS076) that is used when performing an update of a data subject. This table shows the settings that must be defined:

Program/Panel Field Description
(CMS076/B) Data subject

This field is used to define the type of individual who is the subject of the personal data. It can be identified as:

1 - User

2 - Contact

3 - Customer

4 - Supplier

  • Users can be M3 Business Engine users and related roles.
  • Contacts can be contact persons with the customer or supplier.
  • Customer can be customers and suppliers that are private persons, an employee buying a product from a company.
  • Supplier can be employees that are paid expenses through accounts payable.
(CMS076/B) Data table

Specify the reference data table where the personal data of the data subject is stored.

(CMS076/B) Data field

Specify that data field that holds the personal data which requires an action.

(CMS076/E) Status

The status of the record can be determined with these options:

  • 10-'Preliminary' is the default status when a record is newly created.
  • 20-'Active' is set if the record will be used.
  • 90-'Deactivated' is set if the record can no longer be used.
(CMS076/E) Data subject key field

Specify the search key to find the data subject record in the table.

(CMS076/E) Description

This field will propose the default 'Data field' name or description and can be overwritten.

(CMS076/E) Action

Select an action for the data fields. These are the valid alternatives:

  • Alternative 1 - Delete record. No data field is required. It will erase the whole record that contains the personal data.
  • Alternative 2 - Anonymous text. The personal data will be replaced by the specified text.
  • Alternative 3 - Anonymous key. The personal data will be replaced with the unique ID which is automatically generated by the system. A summary of the original personal data and the equivalent unique ID will be saved in 'Anonymous Data Subject. Open' (CMS220).
  • Alternative 4 - Manual update only. The personal data is to be updated manually by the user in the related program. It is defaulted as action when a record is manually added.
(CMS076/E) Text

This field indicates the text that will be used to replace personal data. When the record is generated from function F14='Gen standard', it will propose a default value.

(CMS076/E) Replace whole text

Select the check box to replace the whole text of the personal data when Action 3-'Anonymous text' or 4-'Anonymous key is taken' is selected.

(CMS076/E) Remarks

Use this field to add a comment about the data subject search.

Note: Both programs (CMS075) and (CMS076) can be manually added by using option 1='Create', or automatically generated by using action F14='Gen standard' to display the standard list of tables and fields to use. If an entry is automatically generated (using action F14), the standard check box is set to 1 by default.