SRV - M3 BE Service Management

SAG - Service Agreements

  • 'Service Agrmt. File' (SAS090)

    This function archives invoices from service orders, service agreements, and short-term rental agreements.

    The selection criteria in 'Service Agrmt. File' (SAS090) are agreement number, customer number, agreement order type, and agreement type.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, WF=Work File, MF=Master File)
    SAHEAD TF: Agreement header
    SALOCA TF: Agreement location
    SALINE TF: Agreement line
    SADOCU TF: Agreement documents
    SALCHR TF: Agreement location charges
    SAARCO WF: Selected agreements for archive
    SAADRE TF: Customer address
    OSYTXH MF: Text, header
    OSYTXL MF: Text, line
    SALOCA TF: Agreement location
    SAGCON TF: Contents of an agreement
    SPMACT TF: Preventive maintenance activities
    SAHCHR TF: Agreement header charges
    SPMINF TF: Preventive maintenance information/agreement
    SALINE TF: Agreement line
    SAMPSD TF: Agreement meter price schedule
    SAHEAD TF: Agreement header
    SARENA TF: Update/renewal of agreement

SEP - Service Order Processing

  • 'Service Order. File' (SOS090)

    This function archives service orders. The selection criteria in 'Service Order. File' (SOS090) are the invoice date, invoice number, service order number, customer number, payer, planned delivery date, currency, and service order type.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, WF=Work File, MF=Master File)
    SSHEAD TF: Service order header
    SSJOBH TF: Service order assignments
    SSLINE TF: Service order, line
    SOARCO WF: Selected order for archive
    SJDOCU TF: SO assignments document
    OSYTXH MF: Text, header
    OSYTXL MF: Text, line
    SDLOCA TF: Delivery service order, locations
    SSLIND TF: Service order line meter invoice
    SDLINE TF: Delivery service order, line
    SJOCHR TF: SO assignment charges
    SDHEAD TF: Delivery service order, header
    SSOCHR TF: Service order header charges
    SSADRE TF: Service order, address
    SDOADR TF: Distribution order addresses
    SEXCHG TF: Exchanges of items
    SKTCVA TF: Selected var. codes per order
    SOMAIL TF: Service order e-mail
    SSCURP TF: Customer reply
    SSLICH TF: Item charges per SO line
    SSLIXX TF: Service order line, extension
  • 'SO Invoice. File' (SOS095)

    This function archives invoices for service orders, service agreements, and rental agreements.

    The selection criteria in 'SO Invoice. File' (SOS095) are the entry date, invoice number, payer, voucher number, status, and accounting date.

    Records from the following tables are archived:

    Table Description (TF=Transaction File, WF=Work File)
    OINVOH TF: Invoice header
    OINVOL TF: Invoice, line
    SSARIV WF: Selected invoices for archive
    SINACC TF: Invoice accounting
    SLICHW TF: Item charges per SO line
    OINVTX TF: Invoice, line
    STAGHT TF: Rental Invoice display/credit
    STAGHH TF: Rental Invoice display/credit – head
    STAGHL TF: File to hold rental agreement lines inv
    STAGHD HF: File to hold rental agreement details
    STHCHR HF: Hist of rental agreem head charges
    STHLCH HF: Item charges per rental line – history
    SSYTXL MF: Text line
    SSYTXH MF: Text head
    OINREF TF: Invoice, reference