ATM - M3 BE Attribute Management

ATC - Attribute Control

'Attribute. Delete Not Used' (ATS990) cannot archive any records. Only deletion is possible. If a record is found in any of the files 'Locations' (MITLOC), 'Stock transactions detailed' (MITTRA), or 'Lot master' (MILOMA), the record will not be deleted.

(ATS990) deletes records from the following tables:

Table Description
MIATTR TF: Item attribute file
MOATTR TF: Requirement order attribute file
MSYTXH MF: Text header
MSYTXL MF: Text line

'Attributes. File' (ATS640) archives records from the same tables. Selections can be made on Creation date, Stock attribute, and Order attribute.

PCR - Product Configurator

'Config & Simulation. File' (PDS640) is used for archiving of configurations and simulations. Only configurations and simulations with an earlier finish date than entered in program (PDS640) are included in this archive function.

Records from the following tables are archived:

Table Description
MPDCHF MF: Configuration header
MPDCDF MF: Configuration details
MPDCDM MF: Configuration drawing measurement
MPDCDX MF: Configuration not closed item matrix
MPDSDM TF: Simulation design main
MPDSIH TF: Simulation product
MPDSIM TF: Simulation material
MPDSIO TF: Simulation operation
MPDCHG TF: Simulation change
MSYTXH MF: Text header
MSYTXL MF: Text line
MPDSIS TF: Simulation product file
MPDCDL MF: Configuration detail file loops