Connect Information Views from Different Programs

This document explains how you create a connection between information views from different programs. When working in a certain program that starts another program, you will be able to go directly to a specific information view in the started program.


A connection between information views in different programs are created.

Sorting orders are stored in the (CSYSVIU) table and views in (CSYSPV). The connections created in (CRS014) are stored in the (CRINPA) table.

You choose the information views that will be displayed when you start a specified program from another (also specified) program. In this way you will get exactly the information you need.

Before you start

Make sure that it is possible to connect information views between the programs. This information will be displayed if you press F4 =Prompt, on the (CRS014/B) panel, in the field 'To Program'.

Follow these steps

Connect Information Views from Different Programs

  1. Start 'Program Start Values. Open' (CRS014). The B panel is the opening panel.

    Depending on what sorting order you choose on the B panel, the order of the fields displayed will vary. The valid alternatives for the sorting order are:

    1=To program, From program, Responsible

    2= From program, To program, Responsible

    3= Responsible, To program, From program.

  2. Choose option 1=Create/Select.

  3. On the (CRS014/B) panel in the 'To program' field, you fill in the program that you will reach via the created connection.

  4. In the 'From program' field, you fill in the program where you start.

  5. Enter your user name in the Responsible field. Press Enter:

  6. The E panel is displayed. In the 'Sorting order' field, you choose an sorting order for the started program. Press F4 once to choose an already existing sorting order.

    If you want to create a new sorting order, press F4 once more and you will get to 'Sorting order. Open' (CRS022). See Manage Sorting Orders.

    If you do not set a value, M3 will retrieve the same sorting order that was used the last time the To program was started.

  7. On the (CRS014/E) panel, fill in the 'View' field for the started program. Press F4 once if you want to select an already existing view.

    If you press F4 once more, you will get to 'View. Open' (CRS020) where you can create a new view. See Manage Views.

    For programs with user-defined sorting orders, the view used in the started program will be the one connected to the sorting order.

  8. In the 'Panel sequence' field on the E panel, you specify which panels you want to be displayed, as well as the sequence in which they should appear.

    For programs with user-defined sorting orders, the panel sequence used in the started program will be the one connected to the sorting order specified in (CRS014).

  9. In the 'Opening panel' field, specify the first panel to be displayed. This panel is valid until changed by the user.

    Note that the valid opening panels can differ between programs.

  10. The 'List records' field is very important when you have the To program set as (MMS200), (MWS410), etc. Select *NODSP to gain performance.

  11. Press Next to display the B panel. Press F14 to activate the connection.

Parameters to set

Program ID/ Panel Field The field indicates …
(CRS014/B) To program … for which started program the setup is valid.
(CRS014/B) From program … for which starting program the setup is valid. If this information is blank, the setup is valid when the To program is started from the menu.
(CRS014/B) Responsible

… the user for whom the setup is valid. If this information is left blank, the setup will be valid for all users.

Note:  If 'User defined field' is set to *NODSP=Not list initial records, then Responsible should be left blank=valid for all users.
(CRS014/E) Sorting order … which sorting order should be used for the started program. If this value is zero, M3 will retrieve the same sorting order that was used the last time the To program was started.
(CRS014/E) View … the view in use. Views are user defined and determine what fields are to be displayed, as well as how the data is to be calculated.
(CRS014/E) Panel sequence …which panels should be displayed, as well as the sequence in which they appear.
(CRS014/E) Opening panel … the panel in the started program that will be the opening panel.
(CRS014/E) List records

… whether the displayed program should prevent an automatic listing of qualified records on the B panel when called from another program, from the menu, or when changing the sorting order.

The valid alternatives are:

blank = All records listed (standard)

*NODSP = Records not listed initially (to gain performance).

When *NODSP is activated, the user must refresh the B panel before any records are displayed. The purpose of this is to enable the user to fill in the actual filter values before reading the database, and thereby avoid unnecessary reads in order to gain performance.