MAN - M3 BE Manufacturing

MOP - Manufacturing Order Processing

'Manufact Order. File' (PMS190) is used to archive manufacturing orders.

Note: Only manufacturing orders in status 90 and that have costing performed (PCDO) set to 9 are archived.

Selections for the archiving is made on panel (PMS190/E).

This table shows that this function archives the records in these database tables:

Table Description (TF=Transaction File, WF=Work File)
MWOCPN TF: Co-product per operation number
MWODAY TF: Operation time per day
MWOHED TF: Work order header
MWOHEH TF: Work order header
MWOHES TF: Work order header
MWOMAA TF: Alt. material - manufacturing order
MWOMAT TF: Work order materials
MWOOPE TF: Work order operations
MWOOPS TF: Routing operation activity description
MWOOP1 TF: MO operations appendix
MWOPHA TF: Work order used phantoms
MWOPOL TF: Work order production lots
MWOPTR TF: Operation transaction
MWORCO TF: Rate compensators per material
MWQIRS TF: MO inspection results
MWRREM TF: MO reporting remarks
MWTOTR TF: Manufacturing order tool transactions
MWOSPL TF: Work order head, split
MSYTXL MF: Text line
MSYTXH MF: Text head
MWOPTS TF: Cumulative operation transactions
MWOPREL TF: Process order relation

For the deletion of production statistics, open 'PST - Production Statistics' (PMS390), parameter 1-5. For Laboratory and Inspection Control, see the archiving routine for MOP - Manufacturing Order Processing.

PDM - Product Data Management

'Work Center Capacity. Archive/Delete' (PDS190) is used to archive or delete work center capacity.

You can select work center capacity items for archiving or deleting on panel (PDS190/E).

This table shows that this function archives or deletes the records in these database tables:

Table Description (TF=Transaction File, WF=Work File)
MPDCAP MF: Planning group capacity/year
MPDCAD MF: Capacity per day

Use the (PDS190) for archiving or deleting work center capacity.

  1. Select (PDS190), then the (PDS190/E) panel is displayed.
  2. Select a 'facility', 'work center', and 'year' records for archiving or deleting. Both 'facility' and 'work center' are optional.
  3. Press Enter to submit for archiving or deleting.