Define Output Selection based on Content

This document describes how to define settings for output selection based on content (object-controlled). This is usually used when sending information directly to a receiver.

Example: A customer invoice printout job is running, which means that the delivery of the output is controlled by how the media settings are defined. You can deliver a certain invoice in the form of an email to one customer while delivering it as an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) message to another customer.

Define media profile

Use 'Media Profile. Open' (CRS033) to define the media profile.

Note: Currently, the usage of media profile is restricted to purchasing documents. A media profile is used to control the media selection based on a business transaction, such as a purchase order. The media profile specifies the form of media to be used for the output of the transaction. It works as a filter in the partner media selection, allowing you to have multiple combinations of partner media settings, with or without different media profiles. The media profile can control the selection of media on its own or in collaboration with other objects.

The media profile defined in (CRS033) can be set in an M3 BE transaction, such as a purchase order, as one of the components that determine the media during printing.

Connect media control object

  1. Start 'Standard Document. Open' (CRS027).
  2. Select Standard document and select option 12='Media' to proceed to 'Std Document. Connect Media Ctrl Object' (CRS945/B1).
  3. Specify a media control object and click Create.
  4. Specify a name and description.
  5. Press Enter to finish and return to (CRS945/B1).
  6. Use option 12='Media' to proceed to 'Doc Media Control Object. Connect Media' (CRS949/B1).
  7. Specify the media code by pressing F4 and selecting a form of media valid for the document. Click Create.

Depending on which form of media you are defining, the E, F, G, H, or J panels are displayed.

Note: Another way of populating fields from (CRS949) to (CRS945) is by using ExtendM3 in which you may add the configured extension point in 'Standard Document. Connect Partner Ref Obj' (CRS947) to 'M3 Document. Open' (CRS928). By adding those fields, you can use them in (CRS945).

Define media print (E panel)


  • Service provider to be used for the output from M3 BE
  • Printer to be used for the printout
  • Printer name, or *SYSVAL (printer to be used according to the system value), or *JON (printer associated with the job creating the printer)
  • Overlay
  • Printer tray
  • Bin
  • Paper size
  • Number of copies
  • Archive - if the printout is to be sent to archiving
  • Country
  • Copy - whether copies of previously printed documents are to be printed
  • Modification - used to generate multiple documents from the same job, to be output using different Word or Excel templates
  • File Type - the field type to be generated by the output application
  • Interface - the output to be created, either an XML or a CSV file. 'Field interface' is only applicable if the value in 'List and Printer programs. Configure' (CMS005) is 1-'Override is allowed'.

Define media email (F panel)


  • Service provider to be used for the output from M3 BE.
  • To email - indicates the recipient's email address.
  • From email - indicates the sender's email address. A validation is done to check if the sender's email address domain is correct. If invalid, from email address is replaced by a default from email address.
  • Copy to email address - indicates the email's cc address.
  • To email group - indicates the unique email group ID.
  • Subject
  • Note
  • Mail text
  • Attached file
  • Email template - select an email template connected to 'Document Type. Open' (MNS060)
  • Archive
  • Copy - whether copies of previously printed documents are to be printed
  • Modification - used to generate multiple documents from the same job, to be output using different Word or Excel templates
  • File type - the field type to be generated by the output application
  • Interface - the output to be created, either an XML or a CSV file. 'Field interface' is only applicable if the value in (CMS005) is 1-'Override is allowed'.
  • Filename mtd - how the output filename should be generated using the IDM service ID. It can be set as 00-'Job number', 01-'Filename', or 02-'Filename and job number'.
  • Filename - the output filename set by the user when filename method is either set to 01 or 02.
  • Group Content - indicates whether all output directed to the recipients for the selected media should be grouped into one output and email.
    Note: This option is only available for PDF outputs produced by service IDs that use communication type 3-'IDM Output Management Single Interface', or 6-'IDM Output Management Double Interface'.

Define media fax (G panel)


  • Service provider to be used for the output from M3 BE
  • Fax number for customer, supplier, or address
  • Fax number (without spaces) if using automatic fax transmission.

Define media file (H panel)


  • Service provider to be used for the output from M3 BE
  • File destination path
  • File type
  • File suffix - if not specified, PDF is used
  • Generic name method.
    Note: If method '0' is selected, there is a risk that the file name might not be unique. Therefore, a second file may overwrite the first file generated.

Define media archive (H panel)


  • Service provider to be used for the output from M3 BE
  • Modification - used to generate multiple documents from the same job to be output using different word/excel templates
  • File type - the file type to be generated by the output application
  • Interface - the output to be created, either an XML or a CSV file. 'Field interface' is only applicable if the value in (CMS005) is 1-'Override is allowed'.

Define media EDI and MBM (J panel)


  • Service provider to be used for the output from M3 BE
  • Identity of the receiver
  • Whether you want to use a test message or test flag
  • Whether copies of previously printed documents are to be printed.