Enter System Periods and Seasonal Curves

This document explains how you define system periods and seasonal curves in a MUC configuration.


Up to five systems periods are entered for each specified division and for the blank division.

At least one seasonal curve is entered for each specified division and for the blank division.

System periods are used to enter different kinds of data that use different periods. For instance, the manufacturing area may have different periods than the financial area. Seasonal curves is used to describe how a value (for example, sales) varies in percent over a year

Seasonal curves primarily influence budgeting and forecasting.

System periods are stored in the (CSYPER) file, and seasonal curves are stored in the (CSYSCH) file.

Before you start

  • You must know what period interval your company uses for different applications.

    Periods and curves must be defined for each of the divisions included in a MUC configuration.

  • You must complete the steps described in .
  • You must be in the correct division and commands to switch between divisions must be defined in 'Function. Open' (MNS110). You must have authority for the divisions. Authority is assigned in 'User. Open' (MNS150).

Follow these steps

Define System Periods

  1. Start 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100/B).

    This instruction is based on panel sequence EF.

  2. Select Open for the division and press Enter until you reach the F panel.

  3. On the F panel, specify the period type to use for the respective area (MPM, SLS, FIN, etc.) and the number of periods for each area's period type. Press Enter and F3.

  4. Start 'System Calendar. Open Period' (CRS910/B).

    This instruction is based on panel sequence E1.

  5. Specify the period type and year. Select New.

  6. On the E panel, specify the name of each period in the Text field (for example January, February, etc.) and adjust the proposed start date for the period in the 'From date' field, when necessary. Press Enter.

    In addition to the from date, information is also displayed about the end date, the number of calendar days, workdays, and bank days for each period.

Define Seasonal Curve

  1. Start 'Seasonal Curve. Open' (CRS915/B).

    The instruction is based on panel sequence E.

  2. Specify period type, year, and an identity for the curve you will create. Select New.

  3. On the E panel, specify a description and a name for the curve.

  4. Specify a seasonal index for all the relevant periods in the curve. Press Enter and F3.

    The total percentage field displays the total of the specified percentages. To leave the panel, the total must be equal to 100%.

Parameters to set

Program ID/Panel Field The field indicates …

1. Define System Periods

(MNS100/F Period type MPM/MAI …the period type which is to be used in the different applications.
(MNS100/F) Number of periods –period type 1 (2,3,4,5 )

… the number of periods per year that are included in a period type.


If period type 1 is defined as month, then you specify 12 in this field.

If period type 2 is defined as week, then you define 52 in this field.

(CRS910/B) Period type

… the period type defined in (MNS100/F).

For each record in the system calendar, you can see that the day is connected to one of five different period types.

It makes it possible to work simultaneously with up to five different period types in each division.


Besides the five different period types, period type 9 can be used in the forecast application to enable forecasting item numbers per week. The number of periods for period type 9 is 52 by default.

(CRS910/B) Year … the calendar year as defined in the system calendar.
(CRS910/E) From date … the start date for the period.
To date

… the end date for the period.

This date is calculated automatically as the date before the next from date. The only exception is for for the last period where the to date must be entered manually.

2. Define Seasonal Curves

(CRS915/B) Period type

… the period type which is to be connected to a seasonal curve

Seasonal curve can be used when you have a fluctuation over a year, for example a sales fluctuation.

It is possible to have more than one seasonal curve per period type.

(CRS915/B) Seasonal curve

… the ID for the seasonal curve.

The seasonal curve can, for example, describe sales fluctuations during the year

For instance, your company are selling skies. The peak season for that is on the winter.

(CRS915/E) Seasonal index

… the period's percentage of the annual totals defined in the seasonal curve.

The sum of the seasonal indices for all of the year's periods must equal 100%.