Feature List

A feature represents any changes to M3 Business Engine (new or enhanced feature). There is a one-to-one relation between a Net Change Description (NCD) and a feature. The KB generated for the NCD is used as the unique identifier for a feature.


Features are divided into six different types:

  • 1-'Zero impact'

    Feature enhancements not requiring any training or configuration and non-user disruptive. This type of change has no controlling setting and is included in any version.


    • New fields in API transactions
    • New API transactions
    • New bookmark
    • Changes to default STANDARD View & field group
    • Add/change standard menu
  • 2-'Functional setting'

    Features controlled by settings or parameters in a controlling program (where only super users or administrators operate). A feature can also be a new standalone function. The setting or parameter is always released with default value set to 'Off'. This type of change is included in any version.


    • Features controlled by a new or modified setting, for example, in 'Company. Connect Division' (MNS100) or 'Facility. Open' (CRS008).
    • Features controlled by a new or modified setting on order type, FAM function etc. (commonly used master data programs are not regarded as controlling programs).
  • 3-'Feature toggle'

    Features controlled by a feature toggle during a transition period (minimum of 6 months). Removal of the toggle is synchronized with feature version. A feature toggle is always released with the default value set to 'Off'. This type of change is included in any version.

  • 4-'Feature toggle, process change'

    Features causing mandatory process change, controlled by a feature toggle during a transition period (minimum of 6 months). A feature toggle is always released with the default value off. Removal of the toggle is synchronized with feature version. This type of change is included in any version.

  • 5 - Immediate feature version

    Features causing mandatory process changes that cannot be controlled by a feature toggle. This type of change is released without a controlling setting but only included in a feature version


    • Changes in appearance of UX that you cannot toggle
    • Adding length to identifier (unique) fields
    • Change of existing structure of BOD
  • 6-'Immediate, any version'

    Features causing mandatory processes to change, which are released immediately. This type of change is released without any controlling setting and is included in any version.


    • Some regulatory & statutory developments such as a new format for the SAF-T file
    • Emergency patches due to security updates
    • Operating system updates

Manage system updates

In 'System Updates. Open' (CMS965), a record is automatically created every time the system is updated. Select sorting order '01' to sort the list on install date. For every update, a summary of the different feature types is displayed. Use option 11='Feature List. Open' (CMS975) to view a detailed list of features.

Manage product version

In 'Product Version. Open' (CMS970) a record is automatically created every time the system is updated. Select sorting order 02 to sort the list on install date. For every update, a summary of the different feature types is displayed. Use option 11='Feature List. Open' (CMS975) to view a detailed list of features.

Manage feature list

In (CMS975) records are automatically created every time the system is updated. Every feature (KB ID for the NCD) is represented by one record.

  • Select sorting order 01 to display all features included in a specific product version.
  • Select sorting order 02 to display all features regardless of product version.
  • Select sorting order 03 or 04 to display features based on review progress ('Under review' or 'Review completed').

Mass delete records in feature list

'Feature List. Select Operation' (CMS976) is used for mass deletion of feature list records. Select feature batch operation 4-'Delete' to delete the records.

Manage feature toggle

Features of type 3-'Feature toggle', non-disruptive and 4-'Feature toggle, disruptive' can be activated using a feature toggle during a transition period (minimum six months). During the transition period, you can also deactivate the feature. The feature toggle is managed in (CMS975).

The 'Update schedule' field indicates in what system update the feature is forced to be activated. Until this update the feature can be activated and deactivated as desired. The field is displayed on the E panel in (CMS975). By selecting sorting order 05 in (CMS975), (filter on update schedule) you can view all features that will be activated in a specific system update.

The 'Forced activation date' field indicates the installation date of the update that forced the feature to be active. After this date the feature cannot be deactivated.

Manage feature review

In (CMS975), the 'Review progress' field indicates the two major steps in the review progress:

  • 1-'Under review'
  • 2-'Review completed'

The field is automatically updated based on the 'Feature status' field where status 10-49 indicate 'Under review' and 50-90 indicate 'Review completed'.

Using the feature status, you can define several minor review steps within the two major review steps. The feature statuses are defined per customer, but status 10-'New', 50-'Confirmed', and 90-'Completed' are system-defined and are not deleted.

The feature statuses combined with the'Responsible' field enables you to build customer-defined workflows.

All feature review fields are managed in (CMS975).