Index error (CREINX)
The index files are used to access data files. If the timestamp of the index file and data file does not correspond, a CREINX error is displayed.
The error message is displayed if there is an index error on a file. This happens if the index file and data file timestamps do not match.
If SWB has an index file open on
, it uses the index file. If SWB is terminated while the index file is open, the two timestamps will not match.You can expand the CREINX error message and identify the file number of the file with the index error. Go to
. Select the file number then right-click to run one of these functions:- Generate index for file
- Repair index
If the issue is not resolved, you can run
to import a new data. The data from BE is imported and the index file is updated when a new import of data is completed.When running in AppStream, see Guidelines in AppStream.