Document issues and issue analysis
To ensure a timely response when you encounter an issue, zip and attach data to an incident.
Screenshots are insufficient to analyze the issue when an order or an operation is planned
differently than expected. Instead, you must zip the data and attach the zipped data to an
incident. Document the automatic scheduling that was done, and specify this information:
- Order number
- Operation number
- Report that has the issue
- Information that you can see in the report
- Information that you expect to see in the report
- Reason why you expect to see those information in the report
If an order or operation is imported differently than expected, make a recording of the
import and analyze which values are received in the API. Compare with BE if the API contains
the expected values. Compare if SWB contains the expected values. If the API contains the
expected values, but SWB does not contain the expected values, zip the data after order import
and attach the zipped data to an incident. Specify this information:
- Order number
- Operation number
- Values that are received in the API
- Values that you can see in SWB
- Values that you expect to see in SWB
- Reason why you expect to see those values in SWB