Automatic Simulation

The plan is created by the Automatic Simulation component. During simulation, the planning operations with the toughest constraints are started. Then, step-by-step, all the orders and operations are planned. See Planning principles.

If the standard options are selected, then only the Standard

Parameters in Automatic Simulation

Parameters are listed by tabs in the behavior.

  • Primary
  • Preparation and Sequencing
  • Pull-up
  • Advanced
  • Priority
  • Logging


Schedule Start

Select this parameter to select the date for the schedule start. You can select from these options: behavior tab is active. Consequently, the number of parameters is reduced to the elements that you must understand and define.

  • Current date and time. Current data and time are used as Schedule start.
  • Fixed date and time. You must specify the date and time for Schedule start.
  • Offset from current date and time. You must specify the “Offset from current start data and time in days” which is used to calculate Schedule start.
  • Offset from current date and fixed time. You must specify the “Offset from current start data and time in days” which is used to calculate Schedule start. You must also specify the time used for Schedule start.
  • Saved date and time. Saved data and time is used for Schedule start. There is an automatic function “Save data and time to be used in automatic simulation” which you can use right after orders are imported and thereby use the import data and time as Schedule start.


Offset from current start date and time in days.

Order Timestamp for Partial Scheduling

Specify or select the date and time of the order timestamp for partial scheduling.

behavior tab is active. Consequently, the numberOrder Timestamp for Partial Scheduling is used to schedule single orders or order groups with similar timestamp one by one. Non-scheduled orders are not scheduled, and a current schedule are not rescheduled.

Note: You must not have selected the parameter delete existing schedule selected when using this function.

Allow Orders to Start Earlier than Release Date

Select the allowable number of days orders can start earlier than the release date.

Allow Orders to Start Earlier than Release Date is used to calculate the earliest order start date based on the earliest start date. The selected delay calendar is used that is the horizon in days calculated based on working days. An order will normally not start before the earliest start date defined on the order. Setting this parameter allows the order to start the specified number of days before the earliest start date.

Add preparation time to release date

Selecting this parameter plans the preparation time after the release data, which then adds an extra time element before the operation time starts. Deselecting this parameter allows preparation time to be planned before release date and thereby operation time is allowed to start directly after release date.

Order Sequence Method

Using one of the two sorting methods in this field, you can control the order sequence to be used when the Planning application plans orders.

Select one from these options:

  • The Priority Method

    The orders are first sorted according to Internal network priority, and then inside each network priority the orders are sorted according to Internal order priority.

    pwbswb_Order Sequence Method

  • The Priority, group on local order group number

    The orders are first sorted using the Priority method. Afterward, the orders with same local order group number are grouped according to local order group number.

    This method can secure those orders with same local order group number are planned right after each other. The local order group number of the first order with a local order group number are then used for grouping of all other orders with the same local order group number.

  • Priority, Sort on External Order Number

    The orders are first sorted using the Priority method. Afterward, the orders with same internal order priority are sorted according to external order number.

Delete Existing Schedule

The parameter in this field determines whether the schedule you now have is retained when Automatic Simulation is conducted.

Select this field to delete the existing schedule and to generate a new schedule.

Note:  If you do not select this field, the scheduling is incremental. You can select orders for incremental scheduling by using the:
  • Order time stamp. Useful when incremental order import is used.
  • Order group number. Defined on the order.

First, all selected orders that already are in the schedule are removed from the schedule before incremental scheduling is done.

All other orders are kept in the schedule and the rescheduled orders are scheduled regarding available capacity.

Note: If you include initial scheduling, the schedule is automatically deleted. You must deselect the parameter including the initial step to use incremental scheduling.

pwbswb_Delete Existing Schedule

Recalculate Priorities

Select this parameter to recalculate both the internal order priority and internal network priority.

Note: You must always recalculate the internal priorities after conducting a re-synchronization.

Allow Break

Select the check box to use the Break Simulation behavior. You can now run the simulation stepwise and analyze the plan for each step.

Automatic Planning of Alternate Routings on Marked Orders

Select this field to enable the automatic planning of alternate routings on orders either marked manually or using the Automatic function Mark orders for automatic change of alternate routing.

Respect Locked Operation

Select this parameter to make the automatic planning of alternate routings on marked orders keep the alternative if any operation of the order is sequenced or locked.

Use Learning Curve

Select this field to enable the use of Learning Curve in automatic simulation.

Note: You must set pull-up control to No pull-up to allow the use of Learning Curve in automatic simulation.

Omit learning curve on setup time

Select this field to plan setup time without learning curve efficiency.

Calculate Post Operation Time with Efficiency

Select this field to calculate the Post operation time in automatic simulation according to the efficiency defined for the actual resource.

Note: This parameter does not apply to Continuous Post operation time.

Continuous Post Operation Time According to Delay Calendar

Select this field to use Continuous Post operation time in automatic simulation according to the selected delay calendar.

When running SWB, continuous post operation time traditionally is used for drying and other processes that can run even during non-working days. When running M3 PWB, the Continuous Post operation time contains non-critical operations, transportation time, and buffer time. It is necessary to take the delay calendar into consideration because holidays and other non-working days prevent the non-critical operations, and so on, from being executed.

Continuous Post Operation Time Included in Resource Selection

Select this field to consider Post operation time when selecting resource in automatic simulation.

For example, an operation with Post operation time is planned on a resource that is going to be closed for a three-week planned maintenance immediately after the Planned end of the operation. Due to the Post operation, you must plan the time in the opening hours of the resource. You cannot finish the Post operation time during the three weeks without capacity. The Post operation time is therefore postponed until the resource opens again.

Using the Continuous Post operation time included in resource selection parameter, the planning will take the Post operation time into consideration when selecting a resource. In the example, the planning selects a resource where you can plan the Post operation time immediately after the Planned end of the operation. This may place the operation a later, but because the other resource is not going to be closed for three weeks, the operation will finish much earlier.

Update Internal Capacity Model

Select the field Update internal capacity model to update the capacity model automatically when conducting automatic simulation.

Note: It is recommended that this parameter is selected.

Use Capacity Level Control

Select the field Use capacity level control to change all resources with a capacity level less than the given finite capacity level to infinite capacity.

Limiting the number of resources with finite capacity enables you to only have finite capacity on bottlenecks and avoid none-bottlenecks to create unnecessary delays.

Note: This parameter is only capable of changing capacity controls from finite to infinite, not the opposite.

Use Capacity Level Control in Sequence Locking

Select this parameter to use the capacity level within the sequence lock horizon. The purpose of this field is to respect the approved schedule when conducting the next planning.

Use Capacity Level Control beyond finite capacity horizon

Select this parameter to use the capacity level beyond finite capacity horizon. The purpose is that on the longer horizon there are few true bottleneck resources.

Finite Capacity Horizon

Specify or select the finite capacity horizon as a specific date in this field. The finite capacity horizon is used when it is not relevant to consider finite capacity beyond a given point in time.

The use of the finite capacity horizon saves scheduling time because the application does not spend time finding gaps for operations that are beyond this horizon. All operations with finite start that are later than this horizon is scheduled with infinite capacity on the resources.

Note: You can also set the finite capacity horizon with the parameter, Use offset from Schedule Start Date.

Use Offset from Schedule Start Date

Select this parameter to use the offset from the schedule start date to define the finite capacity horizon instead of a specific start date. You have to define the number of days in the drop-down menu.

When a finite capacity horizon is defined, all operations with a forward scheduled start time later than the horizon are rescheduled with infinite capacity. The operations apply an earliest start time, which is set from the beginning of the finite capacity horizon.

Note: If the finite capacity horizon is defined by this offset, the field Finite capacity horizon is disabled.

Offset in production days

If parameter is selected, the offset from schedule start is calculated in production days, for example, the opening hour of resource is considered. If not selected, the offset from schedule start is calculated in continuous days, for example, the opening hour of resource is not considered.

Preparation and Sequencing


Select this field to include the initial step in Automatic Simulation. The initial step reschedules all operations that are in process (status 60 to 70) and all locked operations (sequence status 15, 17, 20, 21 and 22). Optimization of operation sequence (Sequence Optimization Controls) is also included if this component is active.

Note: If you include initial scheduling the schedule is automatically deleted.

Preparation (Locked Sequence Control)

Select if the job grouping is used in the initial step of Automatic Simulation.

  • None. No job grouping is conducted.
  • Job grouping. If you select this option, all operations are sorted by the work center resource first and then by planned start. Only operations planned on work center resources that have selected the parameter job grouping allowed are included. The first operation belonging to an order with a job group number will initiate a new sorting process. In the second sorting, any following operations with the same job group number will apply the same schedule number and sequence number as the operation initiating this sorting.
  • Job grouping – exclude operation with status 17

You must use the job grouping option in conjunction with the locked sequence sorting options, schedule number, sequence number, and planned start. All operations with equal job group numbers is then planned in the best possible sequence.

You can define a job group on both the operation and the order header. Both letters and numbers are valid. Job group on the order header is only used if no job group is defined on the operation. The job group number is used to control the operation sequence when operation sequences are retained during Automatic Simulation.

If some operations in a job group are a part of a sequence cycle, that is, if it applies the same schedule number and sequence number. You can automatically move the other operations belonging to the same order to the same sequence cycle. To do this, you must set the Locked sequence preparation field to Job grouping in the Initial Step in Automatic Simulation.

Job grouping is only enabled if the field Job grouping allowed is selected on the work center resource.

Note: The field is only used in Cyclic Sequence Optimization

Sorting (Locked Sequence Control)

Select the sorting sequence for sequence locked operations during the initial step of Automatic Simulation. This parameter is used to control the process of sequence locking operations prior to the planning process itself.

  • Planned start. This option will sort sequence locked operations across a series of work center resources. The option is primarily used to avoid operations starting too early on a machine, based on the finishing time of the previous operation.
  • W/C resource, planned start. This option will sort sequence locked operations per work center resource
  • Schedule number, sequence number, planned start. This option is only valid for cyclic sequence optimization. Sequence locked operations are sorted according to the schedule number first and then by sequence number. Operations that apply both equal schedule and sequence numbers are sorted by planned start.
  • Resource sequence, planned start. This option will sort sequence locked operations according to the schedule number first and then by sequence number. Operations that apply both equal schedule and sequence numbers are sorted by planned start. The Sequencing status on operations (10/15/17/20) is still respected and overrules above sorting when keeping the plan.

Method (Locked Sequence Control)

Select the method to use to treat locked operation sequence. Locked operation sequence means that the sequence of scheduled operations on the resources is kept during Automatic Simulation.

  • Unlock status 15. All sequence-optimized operations (status 15) are unlocked. All other operations receive status 10.
  • Keep all status 15. Applies to all sequence optimized operations. All other operations receive status 10.
  • Keep all status 15 within horizon. Applies to all sequence optimized operations (status 15) with a start date within the locked sequence horizon. All other operations receive status 10.
  • Keep all status 10 and 15 within horizon. Applies to all active operations (status 10) and sequence optimized operations (status 15) with a start date within the locked sequence horizon. All operations with status 15 and a start date outside the locked sequence horizon receive status 10.
  • Keep all status 10 within horizon and all status 15. Applies to all active operations (status 10) with a start date within the locked sequence horizon plus all sequence optimized operations (status 15).
Note: You must set the sequencing priority on the work center resources with increasing value in the flow direction through the factory.

All operations with status 17 (sequence locked) are not affected by this parameter.

Locked Sequence Horizon in Days

Select the number of days for the locked sequence horizon. The calculation of the horizon is based on the standard calendar specified in the panel Standard Parameters.

Locked Sequence Horizon in Hours

Specify the number of hours to be defined as the locked sequence horizon. This option is primarily used when there is a significant number of small operations and short lead-times.

Do Not Keep Operation if Gap Exceeds Time Period

Select the check box in this field if keeping operations should be skipped when gaps between two sequence locked operations exceed the defined time horizon.

This field is used to eliminate gaps that occur in between sequence locked operations.

Keep Status 17 Before Status 15

Select this parameter to keep sequence locked operations (status 17) before sequence optimized operations (status 15). This means that operations with status 17 will appear earlier in the schedule.

Omit Handling of Materials on Quantity Fill-up Resource

Select this parameter for automatic simulation not consider the materials on quantity fill-up resources.

Normally, the automatic simulation will consider materials, that is, if the materials for one of the operations are not available at the operation start time. The affected operation will start later when the materials are available. Selecting this parameter will disable this system and allow all operations to start in spite of the missing materials and will cause time shortages.

Handle locked operations in planned start sequence

If there are several sequenced locked operations on same order, then the handling sequenced locked operations in planned start sequence ensures that any changed start or end of the first operation on an order is respected when the next operation on the same order is handled as locked operation afterward.

Keep operations on same order and resource together

Select this parameter to keep several operations in a row on the same orders. Keep the subsequent and previous operations on the same resource.

If this is open and an operation is kept in keep sequence, SWB checks if the previous operation on the same order also is planned on the same resource. If the previous operation fulfills these criteria, then its own previous operation is checked with the same criteria. This continues until the first operation step-by-step is found that fulfills this criteria.

When the first operation is kept, then the next operation on the same order which also is planned on the same resource is also kept. This continues until a next operation is on another resource.

It is recommended to set APP next operation as blank. If it is not blank, then one operation might have two or more next operations that complicates or ruins the expected logic.

Operation Start Time Control

Select the way in which you calculate the earliest possible start time for operations in the Sequence Optimization function.

These options are available. Option 1: Order based is most commonly used.

  • 0: As close as possible. The earliest start of operations retained in the same sequence is determined by the previous operation on the resource. The operations are therefore scheduled as closely together as possible on the resource. If a forced start is defined on the operation, M3 SWB will schedule the operation at the time specified.
  • 1: Order based. The earliest start of the operations retained in the same sequence is determined by the end time of the previous operation in the order.
  • 2: Original planned start. The earliest start of the operations retained in the same sequence is determined by the Planned Start from the scheduling process that always precedes sequencing.
  • 3: Latest of 1 and 2 for all resources. The earliest start is the latest of the times determined by options 1: Order based and 2: Original planned start.
  • 4: Latest of 1 and 2 for infinite/fill-up resources. For operations planned with infinite capacity and fill-up resources, the earliest start is the latest of the times determined by options 1: Order based and 2: Original planned start. For operations planned with finite capacity, the earliest start is calculated as in 1: Order based.

Sequencing Control

Select how the automatic sequence optimization should perform in initial scheduling.

  • No sequencing. No operations are sequence optimized.
  • Sequencing (exclude status 20 and 50 in forward scheduling steps). This option has two different functions depending on the step type selected when creating the step:
    • Sequence optimization. All operations scheduled on resources included in the sequencing step are sequence optimized. The operations must have a planned start within the locked sequence horizon
    • Scheduling (Forward order scheduling). Only the sequence optimized operations are scheduled during initial scheduling. The rest of the operations are scheduled during forward order scheduling.
  • Sequencing. This option has two different functions depending on the step type selected when creating the step:
    • Sequence optimization. All operations scheduled on resources included in the sequencing step are sequence optimized. The operations must have a planned start within the locked sequence horizon.
    • Scheduling (Forward order scheduling). Only the sequence optimized operations are scheduled during initial scheduling. The rest of the operations are scheduled during forward order scheduling.

Default Sequencing Horizon

Select the number of working days you want to use to define the Default sequencing horizon of the operation sequence optimization. You can specify a value between 0 to 999.

This horizon is calculated by adding the schedule start date to the number of working days specified here. The non-working days are included based on the delay calendar. You can sequence optimize all operations with a planned end earlier than this horizon.

Note: You can overrule the default-sequencing horizon with the parameter Redefine sequencing horizon.

Sort Sequencing Groups in Descending Order

The sequencing function uses this parameter to control the sorting of the sequencing groups.

  • When this parameter is selected the sequencing groups are sorted in descending order.
  • When this parameter is not selected the sequencing groups are sorted in ascending order.

Continue at Same Secondary Resource within Sequence Group

Select this field to use the same secondary resource across sequencing groups as far as possible. This parameter is mostly used in connection with overlap code B, which is the application with similar start and end times to primary and secondary operations.

All Steps or Step Group

Select if the sequence optimization must include all sequencing steps or only a specific group of steps.

  • All steps. If you select this option, all sequencing steps defined in Sequence Optimization Controls is included in the sequence optimization.
  • Step group. If you select this option, only the selected step group that contains specific sequencing steps is included in the sequence optimization.

Step Group

Select a step group to be included in sequence optimization. This field is only enabled if the parameters Sequencing and Step Group is selected.

Operation Treatment during Sequencing

Select how operations are treated during sequencing. This parameter determines how gaps in the schedule are used.

  • Normal. This allows the use of earlier gaps in sequencing, for example, if there is a capacity gap between two locked operations, then sequencing can use that capacity gap. It also provides better capacity utilization, by breaking the sequencing of the locked operations.
  • After each other. Operations are placed one after the other without taking gaps on the current resource into account. This ensures that the locked part of the plan is not disturbed by operations using small capacity gaps.

pwbswb_Operation Treatment during Sequencing

Respect operations in gap control

Select this parameter to save planned end of operation in process. The planned end is then used in sequence optimization, where gap control validates maximum gap between operations including gap from operation in process to first sequenced operation. You can also include locked operations as another option.

  • None
  • Respect status 60 operations
  • Respect status 60 and locked operations

Horizon in days from schedule start

Locked operations inside the horizon are respected, while, locked operations outside the horizon are not respected. The purpose is for you to lock the locked operations on the short horizon to ensure stability for execution. You can lock the locked operations on the long horizon due to different reasons, for example, it must be produced at that time. The horizon allows different logic for different kind of locked operations.

Break after preparation and sequencing

Selecting this parameter break simulation after sequencing, which allows user to analyze how sequencing affects the plan. The parameter is design to allow the user to analyze the logic in sequencing and is not intended to be used in a live production situation.


Pull-up Control

Select one of these parameters to determine the use of pull-up during the simulation:

  • No pull-up. All Pull-up codes are set to No and the simulation is conducted without pull-up.
  • Pull-up. The simulation is conducted with the following pull-up codes:
    • Pull-up code for too early end item orders = Due date
    • Pull-up code for delayed item order = Last operation
    • Pull-up code for too early component orders = Latest end
    • Pull-up code for delayed component orders = Last operation
  • Custom. If you deselect the Standard option, you can select this option. This allows you to set the pull-up codes individually.

No Pull-up Horizon in Days

Select the number of days you want to use in the calculation of the no pull-up horizon. This parameter is used when the pull-up function is active. The Planning application adds the number of days selected here to the start of schedule. All operations with a planned start earlier than this date will not be pulled-up in automatic order scheduling.

No Pull-up Horizon Used for Orders

When using pull-up, you can treat the operations with Planned start inside and outside the No pull-up horizon belonging to the same order differently and thus planned widely apart. You can pull-up the operations outside the horizon whereas the operations inside cannot. This can result in a longer lead-time for the orders because the time between the start of the first operation that remains inside the No pull-up horizon (not pulled-up) and the end of the last operation (pulled up) is prolonged.

Select this field to ensure that the operations with Planned start outside the No pull-up horizon belonging to an order with at least one operation planned inside the horizon are not pulled up.

Pull-up Code for too Early End Item Orders

Select the way you want to define the parameter Pull-up code for too early end item orders from the drop-down menu.

  • No. No pull-up is conducted. The orders are only forward scheduled.
  • Last operation. Pull-up to last operation. The lead-times of the orders are minimized.
  • Due date. Pull-up to Latest End.

pwbswb_Pull-up Code for too Early End Item Orders

Pull-up Code for Delayed End Item Orders

Select how you want to define the parameter Pull-up code for delayed end item orders from the drop-down menu.

  • No. No pull-up is conducted. The orders are only forward scheduled.
  • Last operation. Pull-up to last operation. The lead-times of the orders are minimized.

pwbswb_Pull-up Code for Delayed End Item Orders

Pull-up Code for too Early Component Orders

Select the Pull-up code for too early component orders from the drop-down options.

  • No. Pull-up is not conducted. The orders are forward scheduled only.
  • Last operation. Pull-up to last operation. The lead-times of the orders are minimized.
  • Parent Planned Start. Pull-up to the Planned Start time of the Parent order. If the parent order is not delayed, this option will produce the same plan as the option Latest End.
  • Latest End. Pull-up to the Latest End time but always respecting Planned Start of the parent order that controls required delivery date. If the parent order is not delayed, this option will produce the same plan as the option Parent Planned Start.

pwbswb_Pull-up Code for too Early Component Orders

Pull-up Code for Delayed Component Orders

Select the Pull-up code for delayed component orders from the drop-down options.

  • No. Pull-up is not conducted. The orders are forward scheduled only.
  • Last operation. Pull-up to last operation. The lead-times of the orders are minimized.
  • Parent Planned Start. Pull-up to the Planned Start time of the Parent order.

pwbswb_Pull-up Code for Delayed Component Orders

Pull up Time Factor

Specify the parameter Pull-up time factor in this field.

Pull up Time Factor is used to control buffer times and multiplied by bottleneck buffers defined on resources. You can access this in the Bottleneck buffer field on Work Center Resources > Maintenance > Standard. These times are lengthened if the factor is greater than 1 and shortened if it is less than 1. The modified bottleneck buffer is only used when scheduling includes pull-up.

Pull-up Based on Latest End

Select this field to conduct pull-up of orders based on Latest End, instead of Planned End Time.

  • Selected. If an order has Latest End inside the no pull-up horizon, then this order is not pulled up. If an order has Latest End outside the no pull-up horizon, it is pulled up according to the standard pull-up parameters. This option is recommended.
  • Not selected. If an order has Planned End inside the no pull-up horizon, then this order is not pulled up. If an order has Planned End outside the no pull-up horizon, it is pulled up according to the standard pull-up parameters.

Special Pull-up within Horizon

Select the parameter Special pull-up within horizon to allow operations within the No pull-up horizon in days to be pulled-up to the last operation. This function is only enabled if the option last operation is selected in the field pull-up code.

pwbswb_Special Pull-up within Horizon

Pull-up Code

Select how you want the pull-up conducted from the drop-down options. This field is only enabled when the parameter Special pull-up within horizon is selected.

  • No. No special pull-up is done.
  • Last operation. Pull-up is always done with the last operation in the specified horizon.

No Pull-up Later than Latest End

If you select this parameter, you can allow the operation to be planned latest possible but still no later than Latest End.

You can combine the parameters Pull-up code for delayed component orders Parent Planned Start and No Pull-up later than Latest End. That combination allows you to pull up too early operations on an order, which in total is delayed, and at the same time pulling up no later than latest end. This means that you can avoid that the operations pulled up will harm your ability to deliver on time. This is relevant if, for example, catch up is possible on a bottleneck or a delayed material eventually comes in time.

Pull-up Code for Push-pull Orders

When planning with Push-pull and pull-up, it is necessary to decide on how orders that one operation have at least planned on a Push-pull resource is handled.

  • Normal. No special pull-up handling for push-pull orders.
  • No order pull-up. The entire Push-pull affected order is skipped in pull-up handling. The entire order will keep its forward (finite) scheduled times.
  • No operation pull-up. The operation scheduled on the Push-pull resource is not handled up. It will therefore keep its forward scheduled (finite) times.

No pull-up of orders with sequenced locked operations

If an order has a sequence locked operation, then pull-up of other operations on the same order creates long lead-times. This parameter can avoid these situations.

No pull-up of orders with forced locked operations

If an order has a forced locked operation, then pull-up of other operations on the same order creates long lead-times. This parameter can avoid these situations.

No pull-up of orders with started operations

If an order has a started operation, then pull-up of other operations on the same order creates long lead-times. This parameter can avoid these situations.

Respect earliest start criteria during pull-up scheduling

If you can plan an operation on two resources A and B, in forward planning it is planned on A and then is pulled up. On B, there is sequence locked operations in status 15/17 further into the future and status 10 are only allowed to be planned after status 15/17. If the parameter is not selected then the operation on resource, A is pulled-up later on resource B in a gap between two operations in status 15, which can be an issue as it ruins the sequence on resource B.

By activating the parameter, the operation on resource A respects earliest start on resource B which is after all operations in status 15/17 and thereby cannot use the small gap mentioned above.

Note:  This is a special situation that can only occur with some customers.

Omit pull-up of operations after bottleneck

After the orders have been through bottleneck, then it is desirable to limit work-in-process. In this case, omitting pull-up of operations after bottleneck ensures production is completed and put in stock instead of being on production floor.


Bottleneck Buffer Reduction Factor

Specify the parameter Bottleneck buffer reduction factor in this field.

All bottleneck buffers defined in the Register for Resources are multiplied by the Bottleneck buffer Reduction Factor. These times are lengthened if the factor is greater than 1 and shortened if it is less than 1. The modified bottleneck buffer is used during infinite backward scheduling to make the infinite scheduled times more realistic. The parameter is also used in the pull-up function.

Transit Time Reduction Factor

Specify the parameter Transit time reduction factor in this field.

It is used to manipulate the inter-operation times by multiplying the post-operation time and the preparation time by this factor. If you define a value less than 1, the inter-operation times are reduced. However, if possible, the full inter-operation times are used during backward scheduling.

Note: The transit time is not affected by this factor.

Calculate setup time with efficiency

Select the parameter to calculate setup time with efficiency. The efficiency of the resource also effects the setup time. Alternatively, if the setup time is fixed and affected by the efficiency, then the parameter is deselected.

Use work center/resource efficiency

Select the parameter if the work center/resource efficiency as defined in PDS011 affects the setup time.

Note: This is only applied for normal resources.

Always Select Earliest Alternative

Select this field to define that the earliest ending alternative operation is always selected. This parameter functions without regard to whether the order is delayed.

Ignore bottleneck buffer

Select this parameter if the bottleneck buffer should be ignored when calculating earliest start of an operation.

No Capability Match Control

Using capabilities on the resource, you can select what to do if there are no resources to fulfill the constraints set in the capabilities.

  • Ignore capability constraints. Selecting this option, the scheduling ignores the capability constraints.
  • Force to default resource. Selecting this option, the operation is scheduled on the default resource. This is defined in SWB under System > Parameters > Default values.

Use Preferred

Select this field to automatically use the preferred resource on work centers during Automatic Simulation. Preferred resource is used if there are no delays. If the operation is delayed, then you cannot use any preferred resources to avoid or reduce delay.

Balance secondary resources

Using preferred resource will only plan operation on preferred resource unless the operation is delayed. In this case, the resource that is not preferred is also used to avoid delay. If we disable Balance secondary resources, then the secondary resource is used based on priority, for example, secondary resource with priority 1 is used unless it will delay the operation in which case secondary resource with priority 2 is also used. If we enable Balance secondary resources, then all secondary resource is used evenly if the preferred resource would cause a delay.

Horizon for Search of Gaps for Parallel Operations

Select the number of days to set the Horizon for search of gaps for parallel operations.

This horizon defines how long the Planning application will continue the search for idle time or gaps on both primary and secondary operations that you can use for parallel operations. In case no gap for secondary operation exists inside horizon, then the first gap on the primary operation is used and secondary operations gets a warning message.

Start from end of primary setup time

Parallel operations with overlap code B receives the same start/end as the primary operation. If you select this parameter, the parallel operations with overlap code B only starts after the setup time, for example, the parallel operation is a tool or an operator that is not needed during setup but is needed during production.

Set-up Time Control for Secondary Operations

Select how to set up the time control for secondary operations. This parameter is used when sequencing is performed on primary operations that are connected to secondary or parallel operations assigned with overlap key A, that is, they have the same start as the primary operation.

  • Normal. The normal setup time is used. Sequencing does not influence the setup time for the secondary operation. Therefore, the setup time for the secondary operations remains the same even if the reduced setup times are achieved on the primary operations.
  • Primary. The setup time from the primary operation is transferred to all secondary operations assigned with overlap key A during the scheduling. If reduced setup times are achieved on the primary operation due to sequencing, the reduced setup time is also transferred to these secondary operations.

pwbswb_Set-up Time Control for Secondary Operations

Placeholders covers only primary operations

Placeholder operations cover several operations. If this parameter is selected, then the placeholder operations only cover primary operations and ignore secondary operations.

Allow to large secondary operations

Secondary operations with overlap code B have the same start/end as the primary operation. If the secondary operation has a short duration, then it is prolonged to get the same start/end as the primary operation. If the secondary operation has a long duration, then it can end after the primary operation. The application cannot use that gap and instead try to find a later gap, where the secondary does not end after the primary operation. If this parameter is selected, then it is allowed that the secondary operation has a long duration, and ends after the primary operation.

Scheduling of Operation in Progress

Select how to schedule the operations in progress (status 60) during job reporting, incremental order import, or complete order import.

  • On top of each other. Operations are placed on top of each other if any overlaps occur.
  • After each other. Operations are inserted after each other with no regard to overlap.

pwbswb_Scheduling of Operation in Progress

Order Overlap Calculation

Select the order overlap calculation that you want to use. This parameter is used to place where the order overlaps take place.

  • Continuous time. The order overlap can take place outside the defined shift patterns. The defined overlap base is therefore not equal to production time. This is the standard in M3.
  • Production time. The order overlap cannot take place outside the defined shift patterns for the resource where the demanding operation is scheduled. The overlap base that is defined is therefore strictly production time.

pwbswb_Order Overlap Calculation

Operation Treatment after Sequencing

Select how to treat operations after sequencing. This parameter determines how gaps in the schedule are used.

  • Normal. A normal order scheduling procedure is conducted and all gaps in the schedule are taken into account when inserting an operation into the schedule.
  • After status 17. After Sequence Optimization is done the rest of the operations are scheduled. The remaining operations on a resource (non-sequenced operations) cannot start earlier than the planned end for the last sequenced locked operation (operation status 17). Any gaps occurring before the last sequence locked operation are not used.
  • After status 15 and 17. After Sequence Optimization is done the rest of the operations are scheduled. The remaining operations on a resource (non-sequenced operations) cannot start earlier than the planned end for the last sequenced operation (operation status 15 or 17). Any gaps occurring before the last sequence locked operation are not used.
  • After status 15, 17 and 50. Similar to the option After status 15 and 17, except those operations in progress (operation status 50) are also taken into account.
  • After status 15, 17, 20 and 50. Similar to the option after status 15 and 17, except those locked operations (operation status 20) and operations in progress (operation status 50) are also taken into account.

pwbswb_Operation Treatment after Sequencing

Note: The parameter only controls forward scheduling. Using pull-up, can change the outcome. For example, if a Work center has two resources an operation in forward scheduling is planned on one of these resources. Afterward, in pull-up the operation, depending on the "no pull up horizon" and other pull-up parameters, you can move to the other resource. On this resource, you can plan the operation before an operation with status 17.

Only for W/C resources

This parameter controls if Operation Treatment after Sequencing is applied for all resources or only for certain resources.

  • All
  • Finite
  • Infinite
  • Marked

Planned start within horizon

This parameter controls the horizon in which Operation Treatment after Sequencing is applied. If there is a locked operation (sequence status 20) several weeks in the future, then it is relevant not to postpone all other production until that time.

Oven Buffer Time Control

From the drop-down menu, select the kind of Oven buffer time control. This parameter determines how to treat the difference between the modified and the original operation time in scheduling. It is only used for sequencing. You can select from these options:

  • Adjust preparation time. The difference between the original and modified operation times is treated as preparation time. This overrules the corresponding preparation time specified on the resource. This means, if a preparation time is specified on the resource and the buffer time for ceramic oven scheduling is set to adjust preparation time, then the preparation time on the resource has no influence on the current operation. Alternatively, if the buffer time is set to preparation time, and only the post operation time is specified on the resource, then the present operation is scheduled using both times.
  • Adjust post operation time. The difference between the original and modified operation times is treated as post operation time. The relationship between buffer time and times specified on the resource is like the description of preparation time adjustment.
  • Adjust both equally. The difference between the original and modified operation times is divided equally between preparation time and post operation time. Thus, this option overrules both times specified on the resource.

pwbswb_Oven Buffer Time Control

Activate Push-pull Point

Select this field to enable the Push-pull point in the simulation. This will cause the Latest start/end of operations prior to the Push-pull point to be based on Planned start/end of operations planned on a Push-pull resource.

Offset in production days

Select this parameter to consider production days for parallel operation of type H and I. Production days consider opening hours of resource. If parameter is not selected, then continuous days are used instead.

Ignore completed operations

Select this parameter to ignore the completed operations. For example, if an order has operation 10, 20, and 30 linked in sequence but operation 20 is completed, then this parameter ignores operation 20 and link operation 10 to operation 30. Operation 30 can start after operation 10 is finished.


Orders are planned according to priority and sorted by internal network priority then by internal order priority. To ensure that component orders are planned before parent orders, component orders inherit priority from the parent orders, that is, +1 in internal order priority. Priority is inherited only if the parent order has a higher priority than the component order.

Priority Date

Specify or select a priority date in this field.

The priority date is used as a parameter in both formulas that calculate internal priorities:

  • Internal order priority
  • Internal network priority
Note: The priority date must be later than all the due dates on the manufacturing orders. The internal priority calculations use the difference between the priority date and the due date. If a due date is later than the priority date a negative internal priority may result. This must be in the interval from 1 to 32000.

Another way to set the priority date in the priority calculations is to specify a number of days from schedule start date in the field Offset from schedule start date.

Use Offset from Schedule Start

Select this parameter to use the offset from the schedule start date as the priority date. This will enable the Date field.

Start Date - Offset from Schedule Start

Select a value for the offset from schedule start date in this field.

Note: Priority dates are used in priority calculations to measure the priority of an order by comparing the orders due date with the priority date.


You can use three priority methods:

  • Orders. Using the latest start, prioritization is performed at order level. The latest start is used as internal order priority. This method is used to produce several different end items. The latest start is based on the due date and then calculated backward according to lead time. If several products have similar lead times, the primary due dates control priority. By increasing external order priority, you can increase the priority that relates to specific orders. In this case, an offset in days is defined on the due date. Unless increase priority for a few specific critical orders by increasing external network priority, internal network priority is not used in this method. Consequently, all orders are planned forward, then pulled up.
  • Few huge networks. Prioritization is performed on the related orders that form a network. Each network is planned as a whole. The highest network is prioritized first and pulled up to make room for the next network. Delays are concentrated on the lowest prioritized network. Internal network priority and internal order priority are used. This method is used to produce few end items. Each end item is produced by a huge order network. Priority is primarily controlled by external network priority. Priority is secondarily based on the due date of the network end-item order. All orders that deliver to one network are planned forward, then all orders in that network are pulled up. The purpose is to plan the network by itself using all the remaining capacity to ensure delivery on time or to minimize delay. After a network has been planned forward, the network is pulled up to free capacity for the next network. Thereby, the best possible delivery is identified for each network in order of priority. In case of delay, as many networks as possible are delivered on time and the delay is concentrated on as few low priority networks as possible. If the order priority method is used on huge networks, all networks are usually delayed instead of just a few networks.
  • Custom. If you deselect the Standard option during the simulation, you can select this option. This option allows you to set priorities individually. This method enables a more advanced setup of priority parameters. This method requires a deeper understanding of planning principles. It is recommended that you start using the other two methods. Use this method only if the plan is not good enough.

External Network Priority Factor

Specify the parameter External network priority factor in this field. This number is used as a parameter in the calculation of internal order priority. It is a weight factor for the external network priority defined on the operation.

Due Date Factor for End Item Orders

Specify the parameter Due date factor for end item orders in this field. It is used in the calculation of internal order priority. It is a weight factor for the MRP due date. You can also refer to the internal network priority.

Receiving Date Factor

Specify the parameter for the Receiving date factor in this field. This number is used as a parameter in the formula for calculating the internal order priority. It is a weight factor for the customer order line receiving date. You can also refer to the internal network priority.

Planned End Factor

Specify the parameter Planned end factor in this field. This number is used as a parameter in the internal network priority calculation. It is a weight factor for the planned end from the previous scheduling.

Ignore External Priority for Component Orders

Select this parameter to ensure that the internal network priority is inherited from end-item orders through order networks to all component orders.

Note: If this parameter is not selected, component orders may have a higher internal network priority than parent orders. In such cases, the internal network priority is not inherited from the parent order to component order.

Use bottleneck resource sequence priority

Select this parameter to let operations sequenced on bottleneck control order priority. The application loops over all bottleneck resources, all operation in progress (status 60), sequenced (sequenced status 15 and 17), locked inside horizon sets network priority as 32.000 minus one for each the first operation and minus 2 for the second, and so on.

The first sequence locked order will have the highest priority and therefore be planned first. The second operation on the bottleneck has the second highest priority and gets planned second.

Horizon for locked operations

This controls how horizon for locked operations in Use bottleneck resource sequence priority is calculated.

  • Latest end of sequenced scheduled operations on resource
  • Offset from schedule start


This is the horizon for locked operations in Use bottleneck resource sequence priority.

External Order Priority Factor

Specify the parameter External order priority factor in this field. This number is used in the calculation of the internal network priority. It is the weight factor for the external network priority defined on the operation.

Due Date Factor Latest End

Specify the parameter Due date factor, latest end in this field. This is number used in the expression for calculating the internal order priority. It is a weight factor for the latest end of the top order in the order network.

Release Date Factor Latest Start

Specify the parameter Release date factor, latest start in this field. This number is used as a parameter in the formula for calculating the internal order priority. It is a weight factor for the latest start.

TOC Remaining Buffer Factor

This is designed to be used when running TOC (Theory of Constraints) to ensure that an order with a smaller remaining buffer, for example, shipping buffer is planned before an order with a larger remaining buffer. You can add a TOC remaining buffer factor to the other calculated priority contributions that is used when calculating the Internal order priority. The priority contribution of the TOC remaining buffer is calculated in this way:

(1000 - (Remaining buffer in %)) * TOC remaining buffer factor

This makes a lower value of remaining buffer result in a higher priority. The remaining buffers with a value of more than 1000% is handled as 1000% remaining.

Coverage Days Factor

To ensure that an order with a smaller number of coverage days is planned before an order with a larger number of coverage days, a Coverage Days factor is added to the other calculated priority contributions that is used when calculating the Internal order priority. The priority contribution of the Coverage days factor is calculated in this way:

(1000 - (Previous coverage days))*Coverage days factor

It makes a lower number of coverage days result in a higher priority. A number of Coverage days exceeding 1000% is handled as 1000% remaining.

Note: To ensure that the coverage days are calculated correctly you need to run the Automatic Function Calculate coverage days on orders.


Delete Spool File

Select this parameter to delete the current SCHA spool file before new information is written to the spool file during Automatic Simulation.

Ignore Warning 4 on Operation Due to Component

Select this field to ignore Warning 4 on operations due to component.

Note: Warning 4 is defined as Operations that start too early in order scheduling because they are locked.

Ignore Warning 4 on Operation - Current Operation is Locked/In Progress

Select this field to ignore Warning 4 on current operations that are either locked or in progress.

Note: Warning 4 is defined as Operations that start too early in order scheduling because they are locked.

Ignore Warning 4 on Operation - Previous Operation is Locked/In Progress

Select this field to ignore Warning 4 on previous operations that are locked or in progress.

Note: Warning 4 is defined as Operations that start too early in order scheduling because they are locked.

Ignore Warning 4 on distribution orders

Select this field to ignore Warning 4 on distribution orders.

Symbols and buttons

See the symbol and button tooltips in the application.