Planning policies and order types

Planning Policy. Open (MMS037)

Action messages and Filter days

Filter days are used to prevent the planner from being overwhelmed with Action Messages from the MRP run.

If materials are synchronized properly in M3 SWB, the resulting plan is not manually rescheduled and these action messages is automatically taken care of at all levels below the end item level:
  • A1 Re-schedule in and release (instead you get A2 (Release))
  • B1 Re-schedule in released MO
  • B2 Re-schedule in planned MO
  • B3 Re-schedule out released MO
  • B4 Re-schedule out planned MO
Note: Re-scheduling can still take place in action messages at the end-item level because demand has not been re-scheduled.

Exclusion of B3 and B4 action messages

Because the MRP assumes infinite capacity it could issue a re-schedule out message on a semi-finished part. The MRP would not consider that M3 SWB has placed the same order at an earlier date because of a capacity constraint on the resource required to produce the semi-finished part. To handle this conflict:
  • Define a Selection option in Action Messages (RPS003) to exclude B3 or B4 messages.


The parameter Activate M3 SWB synchronization is transferred to the M3 SWB item register. When where allowed is used as the synchronization selection criteria it also defines which items are allowed.
Note: Synchronization can also be conducted on purchased items only, for example.

Manufacturing Order Type. Open (PMS120)


Priority is specified on the order type and copied to the planned order when it is created. The priority parameter can be changed manually on each planned order. When an order is released, its priority is than copied to the new order. When an order is created manually in Manufacturing Order. Specify PMS001, the priority from the order type is proposed.

Most customers can function well using three different priority levels: high, medium and low. This can be modeled with the priorities such as {8,5,2} or {6,5,4}depending on the desired relative priority.
Note: Nine (9) is the highest priority, as opposed to AS/400 where one (1) is the highest and nine (9) the lowest.

Color group

The color group is copied from the order type to the order. The color group can be maintained from M3 SWB.

Re-schedule After Operation Reporting
  • Set the parameter Reschedule after operation reporting to zero (0) to prevent the criteria that is used for reporting on one operation to determine the way in which M3 SWB conducts scheduling for all other operations on the order.
Create Load Directly for Planned Orders
  • Set Create load directly for planned orders to one (1) to enable planned MOs to be planned and scheduled in M3 SWB.

Batch sizing in M3 BE

In some companies, several end item orders can be created from the same semi-manufactured product, typically as some sort of a mixed product. The batch size of the semi-finished product may be fixed because the quantity fits a container of a certain size.

The functionality (in M3 SWB) will adjust the size of the order quantities on the component orders (MOP) to best fit the fixed batch sizes. To ensure that the semi- manufactured product is entirely used, the M3 SWB calculates which end item orders best use the surplus quantity from each batch and distributes the surplus among them.

The fields controlling Batch sizing are set in PDS010/L (also copied to PMS101/L). The field controlling surplus distribution priority is set in PMS120/F. These data are transferred to M3 SWB during import.

Surplus distribution rule (PDS010/L)

Surplus distribution rule means setting up overall rules for how the surplus is distributed. The surplus can be distributed on the first parent order, the last parent order (defaulted) or evenly of every parent order.

Surplus distribution priority (PMS120/F)

Surplus distribution priority means setting up overall rules for each order type on the parent orders. The surplus can for a single order type be distributed on orders with first priority, second priority or no distribution at all.

For example, a surplus should be distributed and there exist 10 orders, 6 with first priority and 4 with second priority. If we have Surplus distribution priority set to first priority, the surplus is distributed among the 6 first priority orders.

The surplus is then distributed according to the settings in Surplus distribution rule.

The surplus can therefore be distributed on the first order (from this 6 orders), the last order or evenly.

Production Activity Control (PAC)

Scheduling on the short horizon in M3 SWB requires current and accurate reporting from the shop floor in order for the developed schedule to be valid. In each M3 SWB implementation project, you must discuss the existence of automated job reporting, for example, back-flushing of material reporting or auto-reporting of operations.

Back flushing

Back flushing means there is a time gap between the issue of materials and the reporting of the issue. This is because the reporting is done automatically when put-away or an operation is reported. Issue methods 3-6 in Item. Connect to Warehouse (MMS002), panel G are used for this type of reporting. During the time gap, M3 SWB believes the material is available in stock although it is not. (This is not a large problem if all products using the same material use the same issue method for that material, because then both demand and supply are equally over-estimated).

Automatic operation reporting

We recommend that the automatic operation reporting should be used for secondary operations in a parallel operation situation, or for non-critical work centers only.

If automatic operation reporting is used on normal (potentially critical) resources, M3 SWB over-estimates load, resulting in a plan not as tight as it could have been.

Allocation and Picking

M3 SWB respect allocations done in M3 BE server. The allocatable net is used as the quantity in stock. On external requirements and manufacturing order material lines, the material plan quantity minus the allocated quantity is used to cover the actual demand.
Note: Allocated quantity includes picking list quantities and the material plan quantity is reduced for picking already reported.

This allows M3 SWB Material Synchronization to harmonize well with allocations already performed in M3 BE.

Co-sorting key

The co-sorting key is an attribute of manufacturing operations that is used when sequencing operations on a resource. The co-sorting ID in Work Center. Open (PDS010) is the parameter defining how the co-sorting key should be assigned. The assignment is always automatic, but the co-sorting ID = 2 (document) and dummy documents for creating co-sorting keys with user-defined names can be used. The co-sorting ID should be specified at the default work center in the work center that is used in the routing. This makes the co-sorting ID valid for all resources in that work center.

All co-sorting IDs 1-8 are available for released operations. For planned operations, the valid alternatives are: 6-8. The value of the co-sorting key is assigned when the MO is created. For planned orders, it can be re-assigned by re-scheduling the order.

Depending on the scheduled sequence, the co-sorting key may be used in Work Center. Connect Sequential Setup Time (PDS022) to allow M3 SWB to calculate setup times. Note that inquiry type 2 allows using the full length of the co-sorting key and that inquiry type 11 allows full-screen entry of matrix records. Only matrix records for type 6 work centers can be specified if M3 SWB is being run.

Dispatch list

Work Center Schedule. Open (PMS230) provides extensive customization possibilities. You can display the schedule per resource or per work center. Define a suitable panel version to display the selected fields for example, sequencing status, M3 SWB change date, M3 SWB change time.

Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)

The classical M3 BE CRP component group can still be used for display-purposes when using M3 SWB. All load changes due to a new schedule from M3 SWB are reflected in the CPSxxx programs. Load. Display Delayed Issues (CPS100) may be viewed per resource (all versions) or per work center. The detailed report Load. Display Detailed (CPS105) must be viewed per resource.

Rough-cut Capacity Planning (RCP)

Rough-cut capacity planning (RCP) extends beyond the scope of M3 SWB. The input for planning is forecast, planned orders or master delivery schedules. M3 BE RCP uses RCCP work centers (resource type = 4 or 5), where one type (type 5) has its own defined capacity and the other (type 4) derives its capacity from the capacities of the work centers included.

Capacity is therefore aggregated in two steps when M3 SWB is run:
  1. Whenever capacity is recreated on a resource (type 6), the capacity of the included-in-work center (which is a type 1) is automatically updated. This is the only way capacity on the type 1 work center can be applied. The type 1 work center capacity is always the sum of included resources capacities.
  2. When capacity is created for a RCCP work center (type 4), aggregation is performed on included type 1 work centers. This does not happen automatically; the capacity in Work Center. Change Capacity (PDS015) has to be deleted and recreated.

Resource requirement profiles may be created the usual way in Resource Requirements Profile. Create (RCS300). There is no difference depending on whether M3 SWB is used.

M3 Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

The MRP calculation is often considered to be the backbone of any ERP system. M3 SWB does not replace the MRP; it supplements it. The MRP is the transaction engine that creates manufacturing proposals for each material level. M3 SWB makes sure that orders at all levels are in sync (material constraints) and that capacity constraints are respected. This is Constraint based MRP. (Refer to the document APP Planning and Scheduling for more information on Constraint based MRP.)
Note: Remember to always run the MRP before exporting data to M3 SWB.

Status conversions

Manufacturing Orders get the M3 SWB internal order status R (released) when they are imported into M3 SWB. MO proposals get status F (firm planned) if the M3 MO proposal status is 20. Otherwise (M3 BE status 10 or 15) the M3 SWB internal order status becomes P (planned).

Continuous net change

M3 BE allows the MRP to be set to run continuously on selected items. This parameter is called Continuous Net Change and is located in Item. Connect to Warehouse (MMS002). Using continuous net change means a quick reaction to changes, but it also means that the Material plan keeps changing from moment to moment.

In M3 SWB, the Refresh function retrieves recent changes to the plan. If continuous net change is used, the Refresh function will detect all MOs or MO proposals that have been given new due dates on this item. If continuous net change is not used, then the Refresh function is restricted to detecting new and manually re-scheduled MOs/MO proposals.

The delay analysis Material Plan. Display Delayed Issues (MMS087) requires that the MRP run takes place after the M3 SWB plan has been exported back to M3 BE or the report is not up-to-date. The continuous net change can be used on the items likely to be displayed in the report (at the end product or spare part level). (Alternatively, the delay report is not up-do-date until the next day.) If there is a limited number of relevant items, then the F18 (re-calculation) can be run interactively in Material Plan. Open (MMS080).

Delay analysis

The Material Plan. Display Delayed Issues (MMS087) is of great use to the M3 SWB workflow. After the MOs have been exported to the M3 BE server and the MRP has been run all delays are displayed in this program. The number of days delayed is calculated for order-initiated items. The delay is not calculated for MRP-items. The material plan in Material Plan. Open (MMS080) can be reached with option 15. Here the appropriate actions can be taken (for example, re-schedule out a customer order line that cannot be delivered on time and notifying the customer). To update the list of delayed issues, the MRP must be run again.

Comments on lead time calculation

M3 BE calculates lead times in many contexts and the program doing the calculation is not always the same. In addition, whether M3 SWB is active on the facility influences the outcome of the calculation. The below table summarizes the different situations where lead time is calculated and lists the components in which this occurs.


M3 SWB not active

Lead time calculations (all)

M3 SWB active

Lead time product

Lead time - MO

Lead timeMOP

M3 SWB client

Default start time in PDS020/P Used Used Used Used Not used
Default Queue time in PDS020/P Used Used Used Used Not used
Default end time in PDS020/P Used Used Used Used Not used
Transit time type 1 record in PDS020 Used Used Used Used Not used
Transit time type 2 record in PDS020 Not used Not used Not used Not used Used
Queue days in PDS010/F Used Not used Not used Not used Not used
Average queue time in PDS010/K Not used Used Used, if backward scheduling Used Used if the preparation time in PMS101/K equals zero
Preparation time in PDS010/K Not used Not used Not used Not used Used if the preparation time in PMS101/K equals zero
Post-operation time in PDS010/K Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used
Preparation time in PDS002/I Not used Used Not used Not used Not used
Post-operation time in PDS002/I Not used Used Not used Not used Used
Preparation time in PMS101/K Not used - Used Used Used
Post-operation time in PMS101/K Not used - Used Not used Used
Continuous post-operation time in PDS010/K Not used Used, approx (*) Used, approx (*) Not used Used
Transit U/M in PDS010/G Used Not used Not used Not used Not used
Transport days in PDS010/G Used Not used Not used Not used Not used
Transit U/M in PDS002/I Not used Used though renamed Normal operation overlap code Not used Not used Not used
Transport days in PDS002/I Used Used though renamed Normal operation overlap base Not used Not used Not used
Transit U/M in PMS101/K Not used - Used, if backward scheduling, though renamed Normal operation overlap code Not used Used though renamed Normal operation overlap code
Transport days in PMS101/K Used - Used, if backward scheduling, though renamed Overlap base Not used Used though renamed Overlap base
Parallel operation overlap code in PDS002/I Not used Used (**) Not used Not used Not used
Parallel operation overlap code in PMS101/K Not used Used Used(**) Not used Used
Efficiency in CRS160 Used, if Efficiency control = 1 on the work center Used, if Efficiency control = 1 on the work center Used, if Efficiency control = 1 on the work center resource Used, if Efficiency control = 1 on the work center resource Used, if Efficiency control = 1 on the work center resource
Efficiency in PDS011 Not used Not used Not used Not used Used
Next operation number branched structures Not used Not used Not used Not used Used
Capacity, number of shifts, number of machines / persons in PDS010/E Used internally when transforming hours to lead time days Used internally when transforming hours to lead time days Used internally when transforming hours to lead time days Used internally when transforming hours to lead time days Not used

*) Additional lead time due to continuous post-operation time is estimated on the server. This is done by multiplying continuous post-operation time by normal capacity (PDS010/E) and dividing by 24. Nevertheless, the M3 SWB client schedules the continuous post-operation time exactly.

**) Parallel operations are estimated on the server. Regardless of which parallel operation overlap code is used, the start and end times of the secondary operation are assumed to be the same as for the primary operation.

Creating a buffer in the MRP lead time to allow sequence optimization

For sequence optimization to work without violating due dates, a buffer must be created. The buffer is inserted into the MRP lead time, even though it is not required in M3 SWB. To accomplish this, type 1 transit times in Work Center. Specify Queue & Transit Time (PDS020) should be used. (As indicated in the table above, these are not used by M3 SWB.)

Manufacturing Order Processing (MOP)

This section contains key information concerning the Manufacturing Order Processing Flow.

Selection of MOs
  • The MO status has to be greater or equal to 20 and less than 90 to be imported into M3 SWB. This way, preliminary MOs and already finished MOs are de-selected.
  • A selection horizon can be specified to limit the selection of orders. Only orders that have a start date within this horizon are selected. If no horizon is specified, a default value of 999 is assumed. The horizon is offset according to the production calendar and the check conducted on the (planned) MO start date.
  • Planning Area can be used as a selection criterion. In this case only (planned) MOs with at least one operation on a resource in this Planning Area are retrieved.
Note: Because no multi-planner concept is available, selection per Planning Area is in fact not recommended.

M3 SWB timestamp

A timestamp consisting of date (YMD8) and time (HHMMSS) is assigned to a MO when:
  • The MO is created.
  • The MO is manually re-scheduled.
  • The MRP changes the Alternate Planning date for the MO.

The M3 SWB timestamp is the basis for the selection of MOs in the M3 SWB Refresh function.

M3 SWB change date and time

The M3 SWB change date and M3 SWB change time are updated each time a MO is exported from M3 SWB. This is for information purposes only.

Who owns the MO?

A copy of the orders on the server is created in M3 SWB when M3 SWB is initialized. In the meantime, a user on the server might change something on the MO (though this is not the recommended way of working). Several checks are conducted on the M3 SWB plan when it is exported back to the server. This may result in any of the outcomes below:
  • OK            Server is updated         No error code
  • Warning    Server is updated         Error code
  • Error          Server is not updated   Error code

Updating the server means that the MO header and its operations are updated too. If the server is not updated, then the MO header and the operations are not updated either.

These checks are carried out in the export:
Check Result Error code
MO missing Error 14
MO operation missing Error 24
MO ordered quantity basic U/M has changed Warning 12
Trying to split an operation, which was already split. Error 27
Another user has updated the operation data in PMS101 (this check only carried out if operation status on the server is less than 60). Warning, and only a small update is carried out, including:

Start date/time, finish date/time, scheduled resource, sequencing status.


The check function

The results of the update can be viewed in M3 SWB using the Check function. Normally, this function returns a message saying that no errors were found.

Job reporting

Because no checks are made on the operations that are reported started, job reporting does not interfere with publishing the plan from M3 SWB.

Planned Manufacturing Orders

The functionality is the same as for released on planned MOs in Planned MO. Open (PMS170), except for the checks that are conducted as follows:
Check Result Error code
Planned MO missing Error 14
Planned MO operation missing Error 24
In addition, the following is allowed for manufacturing order proposals.
  • Alternate routing may be changed.
  • Quantity may be changed.
  • Proposal may be deleted.

Planned MOs are updated regardless of status, for example, also planned MOs with status 10 (not firmed) are re-scheduled according to the M3 SWB plan. Nevertheless, they could be removed or altered automatically by the next MRP. Therefore it is not necessary to spend too much time on planned MOs unless they are firmed before export.

No order release in server M3 BE during planning

Though not recommended, you can release planned MOs while they are being planned in M3 SWB. In this case, the decisions that are taken in M3 SWB cannot be updated.

Delays outside PTF

If delays are detected in M3 SWB outside the Planning Time Fence (PTF), the order must be firmed manually in M3 SWB so that it can be displayed later in Material Plan. Display Delayed Issues (MMS087).

Scheduling and Planning per facility

Scheduling and Planning is performed per facility and not for a de-centralized planning area.