Customizing the application environment
To make changes to the application environment, certain parameters in the Startup Command File must be altered. This allows work stations and command files to be customized, changes to the physical location of files and changes to the version numbers that are to be initiated.
You can also define SET commands in the Startup Command File to specify which disk drive you wish to use. If SET commands are not specified, M3 SWB automatically uses the disk drive at the workstation where the application was started. You can use the Startup Command File to specify the version number or you can allow M3 SWB to automatically choose the version (which is the lowest number available).
When M3 SWB is first installed at a workstation there are two separate versions of the M3 SWB application available to the user. These versions are Schedule Version 1, the official version, and Version 10, a copy of Version 1 available for simulation purposes. Each version is complete with all data files, panel files, control files and spool files. The files are stored in two distinct places, on the disk drive and on the directories that are specified. (The directories are chosen in the installation procedure and the local disk drive is selected from the installation window.)
- Customizing Multiple Work Stations
- Customizing Command Files
- Relocating files
- Customizing File Dimensions
- Defining Data File Information PMSTYF99.DAT
- Defining the System Initialization File PMINIT.DAT
- Changing the version number
- Creating backup files