Export files
- Order Export Standard. Output file: PMSCGExx.DAT
By using the standard selection for the export file your output records shows all fields. The file format is exactly the same as the format for the PMORGExx.DAT file.
Because the layout of the export record is configured in the same way as the layout of the import record this function can be used to regenerate the order database if it becomes corrupted.
Order data is extracted by using delimiters between fields, for example, [;]. You can choose the standard format or you can create your own path by redefining a control panel. In addition, you can specify how much output you want and how you want it to be organized (by type of record, time horizon, etc.).
- Order Export Panel. Output file: PMSGEP__.SPLBy using the panel selection for the export file the amount of data written to the output file can be decreased. The user can decide which fields to be exported by changing the panel definition file, PMSGEP__.SKM. This file is located in the NN/Panels folder under M3 SWB folder, where NN is the national language of the M3 SWB installation.Note: This output file does not depend on the schedule version. Only one output file can be used at a time.