Displaying Ad Hoc Report in Report Manager

To display the created Ad Hoc Report in Report Manager, you must connect the report to the user.

  1. In Smart Office, access AHS120.
  2. Specify this information:
    Report group
    Select the report group where the Ad Hoc report is connected.
    Ad hoc report
    Select the Ad Hoc report name.
    Select the user name where the report must be connected to.
  3. Select Options > Create.
  4. If you require the user to be able to change filter values when running the report, select the Sel check box. Otherwise, click Next. The report is displayed on AHS120.
  5. Use MITEST to test the connection.
    1. In the Run menu of Smart Office, specify MFORMS://MITEST.
    2. Click the Browse button of the Program field.
    3. Filter the program that you want to test, for example, AHS200. Report by user, and click Select.
    4. On the MITest screen, click the Browse button of the Transaction field.
    5. Filter the transaction and click Select.
    6. On the MITest screen, specify your user ID in the Value field and click Execute.