Setting up email

  1. Access Report Manager.
  2. On the Administration tab, click the Reports subtab.
  3. In the Standard reports tree, access the report to configure. Double-click the report to open the Report details screen.
  4. Use these reserved words to specify information in the Subject, Attachment, and Body fields:
    Option Description
    [DATE] The date that the report was created in Report Manager
    [TIME] The time that the report was created in Report Manager
    [NAME] The report name
    [REPORT] The report printer file name
    [PROGRAM] The M3 start program
    [ENVIRONMENT] A text that can be set in order to identify the Report Manager environment, such as Production, Development, or Test
  5. Optionally, use all fields from the stream file *-record and all fields from the header-record. For example, you can use [*SERVER] or [*USER] for *-record, and [AHZDROW2], or [0HOAORNO] for header-record.
  6. Click Save.