Identification headers
The identification header contains the number of the panel file and other parameters that control the panel file syntax. The starting line and position must always be between 1 and 0 respectively.
We recommend you not to change the panel number. If you do all text and panel controls will move and push other relevant information to incorrect positions in the panel.
The example below shows identification header set up in usual way. All parameters are located on a single line with the semicolon (;) as the delimiter. No spaces are accepted before the last semicolon [;]. Nevertheless, if a parameter is equal to 0, then the 0 can be omitted in the header.
The number sign (#) defines the start of a new panel. The string continues until it meets with the next number sign. The next number sign is used to mark the end of the file and to signal that the previous panel has clearly come to an end.
--#--panel number-;-1-;- -1-;- -2-;- -3-;-01-;-00-;-79-;--
| | | | | | +-(Reserved)
| | | | | |
| | | | | +-Starting position
| | | | |
| | | | +-Starting line
| | | |
| | | +-Color code, unprotected fields
| |
| +-Color code, background text
| +-Color code, background text