@@15 Data input from external file
This function is used when data from an external system is specified into the REGS register. Data in the external file is mapped through the use of a panel. After being formatted as a sequential access file, each record in the external file is transferred to a record in the REGS register. Validations can be conducted by using ordinary panel functions. If there are any errors or problems, you can make adjustments based on the use of functional definitions.
File name
These file names are available with the @@15 function:
File name | Description |
DPRE | Shift model days (daily production time) |
UPRE | Shift pattern lines (weekly production time) |
AKRE | Capacity adjustments |
RCRE | Work center resources |
MGRE | Work centers |
PKRE | Non-working days |
TTRE | Transit time matrix |
ORDH | End item orders |
MRED | Parallel operations |
SEQC | Sequence optimization controls |
SHIP | Order links |
Validation actions
These variables can be used for validation actions:
Variable | Action |
W | Waits for corrective input from the user. The user can alter the field in the panel. |
X | Excludes the record if an error occurred. The entire record is skipped. |
ADD | The record is added to the file database through the index. If it already exists, the record is ignored. |
INS | The record is inserted in the file database without using index. The indexes are generated later. This input method is faster than ADD but requires unique records. |
REP | The record is replaced in the file database if it exists. |
DEL | The record is deleted in the file database if it exists. |
Index | The index number as defined in the PMSTYF99.DAT file. |
S | The input file format is based on semi-colon separated fields. |
F | The input file format is based on fixed positioned fields. |
N | No display. When reading the data file nothing is displayed on the screen - faster read. |