Life cycle of actions

The life cycle of an action/action log is mainly handled by the status. The status is updated when an action is implemented. This status achieves these values:

Status for action log header

  • Error occurred during implementation (00)
  • No actions are implemented (20)
  • Contains both implemented and non-implemented actions (60)
  • Implementation of actions are in progress (80)
  • All actions are successfully implemented (90)

Status for actions

  • Error occurred during implementation (00)
  • The action is not implemented (20)
  • Implementation is in progress (80)
  • Implemented (90)

Life cycle of an action

To avoid complications during implementation of actions, it is recommended that only one live action log exists per user and role or sub-set of data.
Note: There is no validation that this is the case so it must be handled in the process between the client and M3 BE.

As an example of this process, the new M3 PWB planning tool is starting a new planning session by first uploading all non-implemented actions for the same user/role. These actions are then reimplemented in the planning process. When the new planning is finalized, a new action log is created in M3 BE, which might contain same actions that where uploaded in the beginning if they are still relevant. When the new action log is transferred, the old one is closed through a separate API transaction.