Main menu

The main menu is the home page of the application. The page display is divided in these areas:

  • On the left side of the page, elements such as workflows and components are displayed.
  • On the right side of the page, the Scoreboard records, KPI overview, and Messages are displayed.

Workflows and components

These tabs are displayed on the left side of the main menu:

  • Processes

    This tab displays the flexible workflows that are designed to streamline the use of the system. The workflows displayed in this tab are the same for all versions. All the reports needed for creating a plan are available and predefined in this tab. You must define the reports and setup that are used in creating a plan.

  • Favorites

    This displays flexible workflows that are version-dependent. Version 1 is usually used for live plans, and the workflows for the version are defined in the Processes tab. For example, if a simulation version is created, the processes are the same as in the live version. If there are reports that are needed in the simulation version, you must define the reports in the Favorites tab to ensure that the simulation version will not affect the live version.

  • Components

    This tab displays all components in the system. This is useful if you need to test which components you can use for a specific plan.


You can modify the right side layout of the main menu to display the information that is necessary to you. You can modify the layout to display these options:

  • Scoreboard records only
  • KPI overview and scoreboard
  • Scoreboard records and Messages
  • Scoreboard records, KPI overview, and Messages

You can define the scoreboard records to help evaluate the plan. The records are grouped according to priority classification and record type. You must define the KPIs by setting up the reports filters and selecting what report value is displayed in the scoreboard. For example, you can set up the reports to display a KPI that identifies the number of delayed orders or a KPI that identifies the total setup time in one week on bottleneck resource. If the KPI value that is displayed in the scoreboard is accessed, the report that contains the computation for the KPI value is displayed.

The KPI overview filters the scoreboard records that are displayed in the application depending on the classification you selected. For example, if the Critical classification is selected, all Scoreboard records that are classified as Critical are displayed.

Messages provides direct access to alerts that are connected to a plan. This table displays the record types located in Messages:

Message type Description
Calendar information This folder displays a bar that shows the duration of the current calendar. The data displayed on the bar is defined in the System tab of the Parameters panel.
Scheduling Errors These are the errors that occur during scheduling.

You must fix the errors, otherwise the plan will have errors.

Scheduling Information These are the information that occur during scheduling.
Scheduling Warnings These are the warnings that occur during scheduling.
Structural Errors These are the structural errors in data.

You must fix the errors, otherwise the plan will have errors.

Structural Information These are the structural information in data.
Structural Warnings These are the structural warnings in data.
System Information These are general information.
System Warnings These are general warnings.

This table displays examples of Messages records and causes.

Record Possible cause of error Message type
Calendar (consider moving forward in time) You have a scheduling horizon that has less than two years remaining. Go to System > Parameters > System then select a later Calendar start date. Calendar information
Unknown work center You have a missing link in PDS011 from work center type-1 to work center type-6. Structural data error
Operation starts too early You have a locked operation in the past. Alternatively, it is locked earlier than supplying operation or supplying material. Scheduling data warning
Backwards scheduling: Forward scheduled gap is used. You cannot do backward scheduling. Investigate the demanding operation and if there is a free capacity at that time. Scheduling data warning
No operations are imported. A dummy operation is created. You can open the scoreboard record and identify order. Investigate in BE if the operation should have been transferred. If yes, then make a record of order import to investigate if operation is transferred in API. Structural data warning
No order header is imported. A dummy order header is created. You can open the scoreboard record and identify order. Investigate in BE if the order header should have been transferred. If yes, create a record of order import to investigate if the operation is transferred in API. Structural data warning
Invalid due date or due date is outside calendar. You can open the scoreboard record and identify the due date of order. This is compared with the calendar start date and calculated end date for the calendar defined in System > Parameters > System. Structural data warning
Item number on order is undefined. You can open the scoreboard record and identify warehouse and item number of the order. Verify if the item number is defined in MMS002 and included in the APS policy defined in System > Parameters > Database. Structural data warning
Non-working days ID is undefined. You must define at least one non-working day in CRS900. To fix, open CRS900 for January 1st of the current year. Open a record and ensure that the production day check box is cleared. Structural data warning
Shift pattern is undefined. You can define shift patterns in PDS033. If the warehouse group contains more than one warehouse, you must define an extra shift pattern named DIS in PDS033. Structural data warning
Work zone is undefined. You can define work zones in PDS020. The definition of type 2 must be equal to transportation time between work zones. Structural data warning
The resources in work center have mixed capacity control. You can plan operations in the work center. If some resources have finite capacity and other resources have infinite capacity, there is a risk that all operations are planned on resources with infinite capacity. Structural data information
Work center resource with finite capacity You can only plan bottlenecks with finite capacity. Validate the number of bottleneck resources that correspond to the resources with finite capacity. Structural data information
Main warehouse without APS scheduling enabled. This application is designed to have APS scheduling enabled in CRS008.
Note: This parameter has several functional consequences in BE that you must consider before enabling.
Structural data information