Import files

There are three ways to configure import files in M3 PWB:
  • Complete file import (PMORGExx.DAT)

    This is a total replacement of the entire existing database.

  • Incremental file import (PMOGI1xx.DAT and PMOGI2xx.DAT)
    This is order data that replaces or adds to the existing database.
    Note: Existing records in the database can be updated with this interface file, but not deleted.
  • Job report file import (PMJBUFxx.DAT)
    You can use the job reporting import file to modify values in existing fields. The job report import file uses the same layout as order import files.
    Note: Existing records in the database can be updated with this interface file, but not deleted.
The fields with the symbol [xx] refer to the schedule version number. During the input, several validations are conducted. Validation operations can include:
  • A check of the formal record layout for all field types.
  • A check to see if certain field values have been allowed.
  • A check to see if the records are sequenced correctly.
  • Warnings referring to capacity data (for example that a work center was not defined correctly).

M3 PWB records all errors and warnings due to bad data in the import file in the spool file. If any records have been dropped during data input, then these records are listed in the PMORGSxx.DAT file (scrap file).

If file input has been suspended due a series of errors, then all errors and warnings are reported to a general log file that is called PMLOGS99.DAT. When you exit M3 PWB the log file is renamed LTTTTTTT.DAT. The T is an expression of the time at which the file was last created. Each time M3 PWB is started a new log file is opened. The file most recently created has the highest value of T.
Note: You must delete old log files to avoid confusion.

After a file has specified M3 PWB, a network check function is performed. This function checks the validity of the relationship between orders and calculates low-level codes and internal priorities. These codes and priorities control the sequence in which orders are scheduled during automatic finite capacity scheduling. You can also invoke these functions independently. This, for example, enables you to check manual or incremental modifications or to redo internal priority calculations.