The file contains these elements:


Lines starting with an exclamation mark "!" are skipped.

The various options explained further in these topics:
  • The ODBC part
  • The [LOG] part
  • The [DATABASE] part

The ODBC part

This part of the INI file contains options related to the ODBC connection:
  • UID

    This option set the User ID used when logging on to the database.

  • PWD

    This option set the User ID used when logging on to the database.

  • DSN

    This option set the DSN (Data Source Name) for the used database.

The [LOG] part

This part of the INI file contains options related to the logging facility:


This option defines whether the log entries are to be added to an existing log file or to a newly created file (thereby deleting an existing file with the same name). The option can have these values:
  • New

    Always create a new log file.

  • Append

    New log entries are added to the existing log file.


This option is used to state the naming convention used for the log files. The option can have these values:
  • Name

    The log file is named psdb.log

  • Date

    A new log file is generated each day. The name is going to be psdbmmdd.log, where mmdd is the month and day.


This option defines whether SQL statements are logged. The statements are logged in the format in which they are sent to the database. In addition to the statements, information about array sizes etc. is also logged.

The option can have these values:
  • Yes

    The statements are logged.

  • No

    The statements are not logged.


This option defines whether the definitions for the M3 PWB fields are logged. Column type, size type, offset values, defined functions etc. are logged. The option can have these values:
  • Yes

    Column definitions are logged.

  • No

    Column definitions are not logged.


This option is states whether performance measurements are logged. The PSDB interface measures the time used to connect to the database, the time it takes to read and interpret the parameter file and the number of times and average duration a statement uses when it is executed. If the statement is a SELECT statement, then PSDB also measures the number of retrievals, the minimum, maximum and average time the retrievals took and the number of times a data truncation occurred. All measurements are in seconds. The option can have these values:
  • Yes

    Log performance measurements.

  • No

    Do not log performance measurements.


This option states whether various database information are logged. Information about the database name, version, ODBC level, standards compliance, database limitations etc. is all logged. The option can have these values:
  • Yes

    Database information are logged.

  • No

    Database information are not logged.


This option states at which level errors and warnings are logged. The option can have these values:
  1. No errors or warnings are logged.
  2. Errors are logged.
  3. Errors and data truncations are logged.
  4. Errors, data truncations and warnings are logged.
  1. All errors and warnings are logged.
  2. All data sent to the database and received from the database is logged.

The [DATABASE] part

This part of the INI file contains special database settings:


This option can be used to apply the DB2 Visual Explain logging facility. Before DB2 Visual Explain can be used on a database some special database tables must be created. This is done by opening a DB2 Command prompt window, connecting to the database and specifying this command into the \SQLLIB\MISC directory:


DB2 then creates the explanation tables.