Parameter file for data transfer

M3 PWB data transfer procedure is flexible and the interface easily adapted to different user environments. The process is controlled by user defined parameter files and independent files are created for each record type. You can control the number and sequence of fields in each record and insert standard values into selected fields.

The parameter file PMOTRA.FID controls the layout of the input and export files, and is found in the M3 PWB Control directory (for US installation it usually is C:\Program Files\MvxAPP11\CONTROL).

A parameter file consists of these three parts:
  • Statement header
  • Record definition
  • Field definition

Example of parameter file

Below is an example of a parameter file controlling complete and incremental file input (including 4 record types per file):


!* IMPORT FROM FILE WITH MULTIPLE RECORDS                                    *

!* O,R,M/N & H IN THE SAME FILE:                                             *

!*                                                                           *

!* TOTAL:       PMORGExx.DAT                                                 *

!* TOTAL:       PMORGExx.DAT                                                 *

!*                                                                           *

!* INCREMENTAL: PMOGI1xx.DAT                                                 *









!     Field  Type    Default             Offset  Length  R  Description

!     -----  ------  ---------------     ------  ------  -  -------------------

      #1    ;CHAR   ;                   ;1029   ;1    ; "O" EXRTYP  Record type

      #2    ;CHAR   ;                   ;9      ;12   ;     COHPEG  Peg ID

      #3    ;CHAR   ;NULL:ERROR         ;113    ;25   ;     COHITM  Item number

      #4    ;LONG   ;NULL:ERROR         ;8      ;     ;     MOHMRP  Order number

      #7    ;SHORT  ;                   ;134    ;     ;     IOHPRI  External network priority

      #8    ;DATE   ;                   ;9      ;     ;     MOHDDT  MRP order due date

      #9    ;TIME   ;                   ;9      ;     ;       -"-                   -"-

      #10   ;DATE   ;                   ;10     ;     ;     MOHRDT  MRP order release date

      #11   ;TIME   ;                   ;10     ;     ;       -"-                   -"-

      #12   ;DATE   ;                   ;11     ;     ;     MOHCDT  End item peg receipt date