Automatic Simulation

The plan is created by the Automatic Simulation component. During simulation, the planning operations with the toughest constraints are started. Then, step by step, all the orders and operations are planned. See Planning principles.

If the standard options are selected, then only the Standard behavior tab is active. Consequently, the number of parameters is reduced to the elements that all the users must understand and define.

On the Standard behavior tab, you can select these options:

Scheduling times

Capacity Model

This option allows updating the internal capacity model. We recommend you to select this option.

Priority Control


Prioritization is performed at the order level using the due date. Delays are distributed over all the orders.

Few huge networks

Prioritization is performed on the related orders that form a network. Each network is planned as a whole. The highest network is prioritized first and pulled up to make room for the next network. Delays are concentrated on the lowest prioritized network.

Pull-up control

No pull-up

This option allows planning orders as early as possible.


This option allows planning orders just-in-time, but might leave unused capacity on short horizon.

No pull-up horizon in days

This option allows planning as early as possible inside the horizon and just-in-time outside the horizon.

If the Standard option is cleared, then more tabs are active.

On the Primary behavior tab, you can select scheduling times, scheduling control, and the capacity model.

On the Preparation and Sequencing behavior tab, you can select preparation and sequencing.

On the Pull-up behavior tab, you can select the pull-up method, the horizon, and their settings.

On the Advanced behavior tab, you can select several advanced simulation options.

On the Priority behavior tab, you can select the priority method and logic for internal network priority and internal order priority.

On the Logging behavior tab, you can select logging control and the warnings to log.

Symbols and buttons

See the symbol and button tooltips in the application.