Defining source for customer logos
- From the top of the menu, select Administration > Users.
In the list of users, locate a user with known access to Infor Document
Management (IDM).
This value serves as the service user. You will need the value from the ID field in the last step.
- From the top of the menu, select Administration > Content connectors
- Click Add from the toolbar.
- Specify CustomerImage as the Name and select IDMICPDownloadLinkConnector as Type.
Specify values for the different parameters:
- xquery_template: /CustomerImage[@Company = "${CONO}" AND @CustomerNumber = "${CUNO}"]
description_template: ${CUNO} - ${CUNM}
Value from M3 and these attributes from IDM are available:
- createdBy
- createdByName
- createdTimestamp
- lastChangedBy
- lastChangedByName
- lastChangedTimestamp
- checkedOutBy
- checkedOutByName
- checkedOutTimestamp
- fileName
- size
- displayName - Display name set on document type in IDM
- pid
- id
- version
- representsItem
- preview_resource_type: Thumbnail
- serviceuser_for_external: <use the ID for service user from step 2>