Defining portlet configuration for the customer list

  1. From the top of the menu, select Administration > Portlet configurations.
  2. Select Generic_Customer_List in the Portlets field.
  3. Click Add from the toolbar, specify the list_customer as the name for the new configuration, and click OK.
  4. Select CRITERIA_CONTRIBUTORS in the parameter table.
  5. Specify the alias of the search page portlet as SEARCH_CUSTOMER and click Save.
  7. Specify values for IMAGE field as the first list item with these field configurations:
    1. [CONTENT_SERVICE(CustomerImage)]
    3. [WIDTH(50)]
    4. [HEIGHT(50)]
  8. Specify value for DISPLAY field as the second list item with this field configuration:
  9. Keep the default values for fields OKCUNO and OKCUNM.
  10. Add the field configuration [INVISIBLE] to the default fields OKCUA1, OKCUA2, OKCUA3, OKCUA4, OKSTAT, and OKRESP.
  11. Add these global configurations at the end of the parameter configuration:
    1. [INFO_FUNC_SEARCH(true)]
  12. Click Save.