Supplier portal

To be able to use the functions within Supplier portal, a user must have the M3PORTALS-User-SupplierPortal IFS role, or EEU-M3PORTALS-Partner-User-Supplierportal user role, if they are external.

The Shipment advice parameter defined in 'Supplier. Define Purchase & Financial' (CRS624) panel F is crucial, and controls how shipment advice is reported. See M3 Business Engine online documentation for more details.

You can select one of these behaviors with the Shipment advice parameter:

  • 0 – Shipment advice without creation of a delivery note in 'Supplier Delivery Note. Open' (PPS360).
  • 1 – A delivery note is created in (PPS360). Possibilities to define multi-level packages.
  • 2 – Shipment advice with creation of a delivery note in (PPS360).