Week bucket definitions locally

On the Buckets tab, specify this information:

POT Table 1
Leave this blank.
Default start time
Specify 10:30 or specify another start time.
Default start weekday
Specify Monday. Each week bucket starts on a Monday.


This is an example if IPW is updated on 2027-01-27 (Wednesday) at 09:25:

  • The update timestamp is 2027-01-27 at 09:25.
  • First Projected OHB column displays OHB is on 2027-01-25 (Monday) at 10:30.
  • Second Projected OHB column displays OHB is on 2027-02-01 at 10:30.
    1. Bucket starts on 2027-01-25 at 10:30 and ends on 2027-02-01 at 10:30.
    2. Bucket starts on 2027-02-01 at 10:30 and ends on 2027-02-08 at 10:30.
  • First demand column displays demand between the bucket start on 2027-01-25 at 10:30 and the first bucket end on 2027-02-01 at 10:30.
  • First supply column displays supply between same two date and time.