
These parameters control how related tabs are controlled.
  1. From the menu, select Settings > Related.
  2. Specify this information:
    Mat plan sort order
    Specify the value of the material plan sort order. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the material plan.
    Material plan group 1
    Select an option from the list for grouping in the material plan. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the material plan.
    Material plan group 2
    Select an option from the list for grouping in the material plan. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the material plan.
    Material plan group 3
    Select an option from the list for grouping in the material plan. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the material plan.
    Item bal sort order
    Specify the value of the item balance sort order. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the item balance.
    Item balance view

    Specify the value of the item balance view. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the item balance view.

    Item balance group 1
    Select an option from the list for grouping in the item balance. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the item balance.
    Item balance group 2
    Select an option from the list for grouping in the item balance. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the item balance.
    Item balance group 3
    Select an option from the list for grouping in the item balance. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the item balance.
    Stk trans sort order
    Specify the value of the stock transactions order. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the stock transaction display history.
    Stock trans view
    Specify the value of the stock transaction view. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the stock transaction.
    Stock trans group 1
    Select an option from the list for grouping in the Stock Transactions. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the stock transactions.
    Stock trans group 2
    Select an option from the list for grouping in the Stock Transactions. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the stock transactions.
    Stock trans group 3
    Select an option from the list for grouping in the Stock Transactions. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the stock transactions.
    Display all stock transaction warehouses
    Specify if all warehouses are displayed.
    Wrk cent sch so ord
    Specify the value of the work center schedule sorting order. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the work order schedule.
    Wrk cent sch view
    Specify the value of the work center schedule view. You can use this setting to control the information displayed in the work center schedule.
  3. Click OK.