
  1. From the menu, select Settings > Miscellaneous.
  2. Specify this information:
    Excel list separator
    Select a list separator to use when exporting a report to Excel. This feature is only available in IPW classic.
    Excel decimal separator
    Select a decimal separator to use when exporting a report to Excel.
    • Default

      It uses the same decimal separator used in the IPW grid, which is based on user settings in (MNS150).

    • Period
    • Comma
    Note: The Excel decimal separator must not have the same value as the Excel list separator. If identical, IPW displays a warning message when exporting to Excel.
    Thousands sepr
    Select a thousand separator to be used for values from 1000 and above in grid.
    Note: Thousand separator is ignored if decimal separator has the same value.
    Mat plan sort order
    Specify a value for the material plan sort order. This setting is used to control how the information is displayed in the material plan.
    Item bal sort order
    Specify a value for the item balance sort order. This setting is used to control how the information is displayed in the item balance.
    Item balance view
    Specify a value for the item balance view. This setting is used to control how the information is displayed in the item balance view.
    Stk trans sort order
    Specify a value for the stock transactions order. This setting is used to control how the information is displayed in the stock transaction display history.
    Stock trans view
    Specify a value for the stock transaction view. This setting is used to control how the information is displayed in the stock transaction.
    Wrk cent sch so ord
    Specify a value for the work center schedule sorting order. This setting is used to control how information is displayed in the work order schedule.
    Wrk cent sch view
    Specify a value for the work center schedule view. This setting is used to control how the information is displayed in the work center schedule.
  3. Click OK.