PO one day too early
PO one day too early in IPW is an issue defined on the day level. The BE material plan (MMS080) and IPW work on a day and time level. You cannot define an issue on a day level only. Usually, the PO has time equal to 00:00, which you can verify in MMS080 by using a view where both date and time are displayed. IPW displays the projected on-hand-balance at a given date and time. If the bucket end is at 00:00, then any PO on the same day with a time equal to 00:00 affects the projected on-hand-balance and is displayed as a supply in the previous bucket.
There are two methods to handle this scenario:
- IPW overrules BE time on PO and uses fixed time instead
- Define realistic PO time in BE
The easiest method is to setup IPW to overrule BE time on PO. You can use these parameters in
to overrule the PO time from MMS080:- Planned PO time
- Released PO time
If you set the planned PO time equal to 10:42, IPW ignores the time on the planned PO and instead uses 10:42 as the time for all planned PO. The PO ends up in a different IPW bucket depending on how buckets are defined in IPW.
The BE setup handles the time on the planned PO in the material plan. The default time equal to 00:00 is often not realistic, as the PO usually does not arrive at midnight. You can adjust the BE settings to give a more realistic time on the planned PO. At this point, IPW displays the data exactly as it appears in the BE material plan, and the BE material plan is more accurate.