Analyzing and documenting issues in grid values
IPW always displays the material plan. Therefore, you must compare the grid values in IPW with the BE Material Plan (MMS080) and API transactions, which you can log in the IPW log file. The base for IPW is to display the material plan as it is in (MMS080), but IPW also contains options to deviate from the material plan in (MMS080).
Grid cells have a tooltip that identifies values available and is used in the cell calculation. Fields that are grayed out in the tooltip are available but not used because of the IPW parameter settings. Fields that are not grayed out in the tooltip are used in the calculation of the cell value.
You must always analyze the tooltip for the three primary cells:
- On-hand balance
- Demand
- Supply
Start by comparing the material plan with the cell values and tooltip information.
Log File
To access
, select .Check the log file to verify if the API transactions, primarily
, transfer the values to IPW as expected.When you click
, the tab records the IPW version and build.MI-transactions in Log File
The log file includes all IPW parameters and MI-program transactions. When analyzing, find the MI-program used to import data or the decision that the MI-program used to export decisions.
Examples of analyzing import for warehouses
Warehouses are imported using
and identified in the log file.To retrieve all warehouses, use the
This is the (MMS005MI) record returned from the MI-program:
Receiving record,Program=MMS005MI,Transaction=Select,Keys=CONO;780;DIVI;AAA;FACI;A01;WHLO;001;MAIW;1
If the MI-program does not return records as expected, you must check the MI-program.
If the MI-program returns records as expected but IPW does not display the information, you must check IPW. If necessary, you can copy the log file content to an external text file and use it as documentation of the issue.
Documenting IPW issue including IPW parameters and MI-transactions:
If you analyze the log file and cannot identify and solve the issue, you can report the issue in the Infor Customer Portal as an incident. To ensure a better and faster resolution to the incident, attach the log file so that the support team can analyze the issue. You must copy the log file to a text file and attach the text file to the incident.
Use this procedure to document the issue:
- Click the log file.
- Press to select all the lines in the log file.
- Copy the log file and save it in a text file.
- Attach the text file to the incident.