Manufacturing Order Audit Report
The purpose of this report is to track missing or erroneous material reporting.
The report compares the quantity of reported material with the quantity that, according to the receipt, should have been used for the produced quantity.
To generate the report, specify an interval of transaction dates and, optionally, a facility and a range of material usage percentages. Round up and round down the percentage values:
- To list all the material lines where material is reported, excluding fully reported
manufacturing orders, specify a range of percentages from 1 and to 99.
The report shows all the lines with a usage percentage greater than 0% and less than 100%, that is, from 0.000001% to 99.999999%.
- To include also lines where no material has been issued, leave the Percent From field blank.
- Over-usage may also indicate production issues. To list all the material
lines where the usage percentage is greater than 100%, specify 101 in the Percent From field and leave the
Percent to field
The report shows all the lines with a usage percentage greater than 100%, that is, from 100.000001%.
To define the maximum number of manufacturing orders that are included in the analysis, use the .M3REPORT:MOAudit_MaxOrders setting. The default value is 1000.
To define the number of days an order should be open for adding trace, use the .M3SYS:DaysForOpenMO setting. The default value is 30 days.
All the manufacturing orders that satisfy these two settings are included in this report.