Definition of user security in M3 Business Engine
M3 Graphical Lot Tracker does not contain tools for maintaining user security or user role security, but relies on external definitions, such as user role security settings from M3 Business Engine. Therefore, you must define security in M3 Business Engine before setting up M3 Graphical Lot Tracker.
To ensure security at the function level in M3 Business Engine, you can create an association between a function and a user or a user role. Using user roles and function groups, you can simplify the maintenance of security at the function level.
To manage security at the function level in M3 Business Engine, you can use these methods:
- In ‘Function. Connect Authorization’ (SES003), you can manage authorities per user.
- In ‘Function. Connect Authorization by Role’ (SES400), you can manage authorities per role.
We recommend that you use the ‘Security through roles’ method, in ‘Function. Connect Authority by Role’ (SES400).
This information is used by M3 Graphical Lot Tracker to determine the availability of specific application settings for users through associated user roles. This information provides a way to limit access to functions such as searches, reports, and administration panels in M3 Graphical Lot Tracker.