Infor OS Portal Context Widgets

Infor OS Portal context widgets Smart Help and Related Information are available in M3 Graphical Lot Tracker.
  • Smart Help is a context application of Infor OS Portal. The application presents screen-specific content, in-context of where the user is in the application. Smart Help can present content from, KBs from Infor Support Portal, training materials developed in Infor UAP, and customer's own materials, uploaded in their tenant IDM (Document Management) application.
  • Related Information provides on-screen contextual, StepID related information from M3 Business Engine. Metrics, reports, and pictures can be viewed in connection to the Trace panel, for the purpose of establishing the current context. Related information is only displayed if your user ID belongs to the correct user group that is defined in the Panel settings. The M3 Graphical Lot Tracker administrator can enable or disable the display of related information by enabling or disabling business context message entities.

To display Infor OS Portal Context Widgets, select Context Apps in the Infor OS navigation panel. Smart Help is displayed if your user ID is granted access to Smart Help through the Infor OS Portal Admin Settings: Manage Context > Utility Apps > Smart Help.

With the Context Viewer, a business context message can be sent from a screen, field, or other user interface object. The message can be used to show Smart Help and Related Information content.