Defining housekeeping tasks for rejected transactions
The status of rejected transactions in the data queue is automatically set to ‘Active in queue’ or ‘Rejected’.
Rejected transactions with the status ‘Active in queue’ are expected to be corrected or completed in M3 Business Engine. We recommend that you act on these transactions shortly. After a transaction has been corrected or completed in M3 Business Engine, the transaction status is automatically changed to ‘Accepted’ by M3 Graphical Lot Tracker.
To limit the number of transactions with the ‘Active in queue’ status in the data queue, you can use two methods:
- From the Rejected Transactions Report, you can manually clean the data
To clean the data queue, you must change the transactions’ status from ‘Active in queue’ to ‘Rejected’. Then the transaction can be deleted.
- From the Application Settings panel, you can define housekeeping tasks for these transactions.
To define housekeeping tasks for rejected transactions in the data queue, complete these steps in the Application Settings panel:
- To automatically change the transactions’ status from ‘Active in queue’ to ‘Rejected’ after ten days, set the <.CONFIG:onHouseKeeping_CleanDataqueue> setting to Enabled.
To automatically delete transactions with the ‘Rejected’ status
after a certain number of days, complete these steps:
- Set the <.CONFIG:ONHOUSEKEEPING_DLTDATAQUEUE2000> setting to Enabled.
- Set the <.CONFIG:ONHOUSEKEEPING_ STS2000TRNSDAYS> setting to the required number of days.