Customized tabs
The purpose of the customized tab functionality is to supply a tool for creating and customizing Trace Object Details to be displayed on a Trace Panel tab. The tab-data can be configured and personalized to meet specific requirements of tracing and tracking in the recall process.
- The customized tab is added on the Trace panel, next to the Trace Step diagram, on a GLT Trace Step. The tab is based on M3 API programs, M3 API transactions fields, API Input Configuration and API Output Configuration tabs.
- You can configure a customized tab content and layout by checking the check boxes in the Selected column and Reorder Rows column on the API Output Configuration tab.
- When a new customized tab is created and saved, the tab is displayed and searchable in the API Interface Configuration panel.
- When a new customized tab is created and saved, the tab is displayed on the Trace Panel. The tab is defaulted to show a maximum of 100 records. The GLT administrator can change the value between 1-9999 records using the .CONFIG:MI_TAB_RECORDS application setting.
- When a customized tab is added to the API Interface Configuration panel, a new application key is generated in the Application Settings panel. The generated application key is named .INTERFACE:TABS_<Step>_<Tab_Name>. In the Application Settings panel, access to the customized tab is set per user group. See Application Settings panel.
- When a customized tab is added to the API Interface Configuration panel, a new language key is added to the Application Localization panel. The generated key is named <Step>_<Tab_Name> and the key value is set to <Tab_Name>. By modifying the text in the key Value column, the customized tab display text can be configured. The key value is displayed as the customized tab header in the Trace Panel. See Application Localization panel.
When enabled, the customized tab is displayed in the lower section of the
Trace panel.
Three pre-configured tabs are displayed in the API Interface Configuration panel. These tabs are examples based on Get and List transactions. The pre-configured tabs are read-only. To make the tabs visible in the Trace panel, check the Enabled/Disabled check box in the Application Settings panel.