Adding a customized tab

  1. In the API Interface Configuration panel, click the Add new configuration icon.
  2. Select a value in the Step field, API program field, and Transaction field.
  3. Specify a Tab name.
    Note: Spaces in Tab name field are replaced by the underscore.
  4. On the API Input Configuration tab, select a value in the GLT Field column related to the value in the Field column from the API.
    Note: Tab can be filtered to display a specific attribute by specifying Enter a value in the GLT Field and specifying an attribute value in the Value field.
    Note: To verify if the required information is supplied, refer to the API test tool or the M3 repository program, MRS001.
  5. On the API Output Configuration tab, select the check boxes in the Selected column to be displayed on the tab.
    Note: If Output field data is missing, the field is omitted from the display of the result.
    Note: Next step is to sort the selected Output fields. It is easier to do this after the new configuration is saved.
  6. Click the Save icon to create the new configuration.
  7. In the Reorder Rows column, sort fields by dragging them up or down.
  8. When rows are reordered, save the new configuration.
  9. In Application Settings, enable the new setting per user group.
  10. In Application Localization, re-name the tab by changing the language key value.
    Note: Search for language key by filtering the Value column on the Tab Name. (Tab Name is displayed in the API Interface Configuration panel).
  1. A new customized tab is saved in the API Interface Configuration list.
  2. A new Application Setting is automatically created in the Application Settings panel and the user access is set.
  3. The value is generated in the Key column in the Application Localization panel.
  4. The customized tab appears in the Trace panel tab section, next to the Trace Step diagram, if the user belongs to an enabled group.