Consumed Quantity

This report focuses on the consumption of one selected raw material. All manufacturing orders that contain the specific raw material are listed, showing consumed quantity and manufacturing date. The report is only available from the Purchase trace step.

To calculate consumed quantity, the report needs unit of measure (U/M) to be defined as the basic unit, or the alternate unit, for all semifinished products and end products. If this conversion factor is missing, the content is 0 and the record is marked with asterisk (*). If the issue is corrected in M3 Business Engine, the asterisk is removed upon next update of the trace line.

The unit of measure used in the Consumed Quantity report comes from the value for Application Setting, .M3REPORT:RMContent_Unit.

Scrap can be excluded from the report calculations by enabling the Application Setting, .M3Report:Exclude_Scrap_Calculation.