Settings for housekeeping tasks

This table shows the settings available for managing the housekeeping tasks that are performed by M3 Graphical Lot Tracker:

Setting Description

If this setting is set to ‘Enabled’, then accepted transactions that have expired are deleted from the data queue.

.CONFIG:onHouseKeeping_Sts1000TrnsDays This setting determines the number of days before accepted transactions are deleted from the data queue.

If this setting is set to ‘Enabled’, then, after ten days, the status of transactions in the data queue is changed from ‘Active’ to ‘Rejected’.


If this setting is set to ‘Enabled’, then rejected transactions that have expired are deleted from the data queue.

.CONFIG:onHouseKeeping_Sts2000TrnsDays This setting determines the number of days before rejected transactions are deleted from the data queue.

If this setting is set to ‘Enabled’, then log entries that have expired are deleted from the SSystemLog table.


This setting determines the number of days before log entries are deleted from the SSystemLog table.