Setting up object authority in M3 Business Engine

To set up object access in M3 Business Engine for a M3 Graphical Lot Tracker user, complete these steps:

  1. In ‘User Group. Open’ (CRS004), create a user group and define the user group name.
  2. In ‘Object Access Group. Open’ (CRS006), create an object access group.
  3. In (CRS006), select Related > User groups.
  4. In ‘Object Access Group. Connect User Group’ (CRS007), connect the user group to the object access group.
  5. In ‘User. Open’ (MNS150), select the ID of a user who is also an M3 Graphical Lot Tracker user.
  6. In (MNS150), select Related > User Permissions to Cmp/Div.
  7. In ‘User. Access Permission per Company Division’ (MNS151), select a record whose company and division are connected to M3 Graphical Lot Tracker and contain the object on which access must be restricted.
  8. In panel E, set the user group object to the new user group created in (CRS004).
  9. Open the object on which access must be restricted. For example, for a warehouse object. open ‘Warehouse. Open’ (MMS005).
  10. In panel F, set the object access group to the new object access group created in (CRS006).