Rejected Transactions Report and subreport Track Rejected Report
You must regularly view the Rejected Transactions Report, preferably daily. The report is useful for monitoring and correcting the processes related to traceability. A rejected transaction detected early in a trace may block a high number of subsequent rejected transactions. Unless the initial rejected transaction is handled in due time, you may have difficulty interpreting and correcting the root cause of numerous rejections.
Transactions from M3 Business Engine are validated by M3 Graphical Lot Tracker through a data queue. A transaction is accepted if it links to an existing step ID, or if it is the start of a trace. A transaction with an issue may be rejected by M3 Graphical Lot Tracker. The most common reason for rejection is that the previous step in the trace does not exist in the system. Using the Rejected Transactions Report and the subreport Track Rejected Report, you can manage rejected transactions.
Transaction statuses in the data queue
The Rejected Transactions Report lists trace objects that are currently not accepted with one of these transaction statuses:
Active in queue
If a transaction is untraceable due to missing or incomplete information, then its status is automatically set to ‘Active in Queue’. This information can generally be added or corrected in M3 Business Engine, thus making the trace traceable. The ‘Active in queue’ status is a reminder to update missing or incomplete information in M3 Business Engine.
You can manually change the status of a transaction that is not corrected in M3 Business Engine from ‘Active in queue’ to ‘Inspected’. Otherwise, after a specified period, the transaction status is automatically changed to ‘Rejected’.
If a transaction is uncorrectable or has kept the ‘Active in queue’ status for a certain number of days, its status is automatically changed to ‘Rejected’. If the .CONFIG:onHouseKeeping_CleanDataqueue setting is enabled in the Application Settings panel, then this configuration is activated.
You can manually change a transaction status from ‘Rejected’ to ‘Inspected’ or ‘Active in queue’. To automatically delete transactions with the ‘Rejected’ status from the data queue after a specified period, use the .CONFIG:onHouseKeeping_DltDataqueue2000 setting in the Application Settings panel.
The purpose of changing a transaction status to ‘Inspected’ is to clear the untraceable transactions from the queue. To further investigate and fix an issue, you can manually change the transaction status from ‘Inspected’ back to ‘Active in Queue’.