Group Hold Report

This report lists the stock reclassifications that have been performed using the reclassify function from the Group Hold Report, the Stock Products report, or the Stock Components report.

  1. Select Reports > Group Hold Report.
  2. Specify the group hold code or a subset of the code characters.

    The group hold code contains the reclassification time stamp. This code starts with a date in this format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. To display all the reports for a date, specify a date in this format: YYYYMMDD.

    This field is required. After you have specified a value, the Search button is enabled.

  3. Click Search.
    The list of reports that match the specified criteria is displayed.
  4. In the Ext msg no column, click the report link.

    The detailed report is displayed with the reclassified lot numbers and, if any, remarks.

    This report functions in the same way as the other stock reports, with a function to release lots that have been moved to under inspection as part of the original Group Hold.