Trace step – description and details

These trace steps are predefined in the M3 Graphical Lot Tracker configuration:

Trace Step Icon StepID-key Description
Purchase Purchase icon PO.Whs.Item.Lot A purchased item or lot in a specific warehouse.
Manufacture Manufacture icon MO.Whs.Item.Lot A manufactured product item or lot in an intermediate or a finished state, in a specific warehouse.
Distribution Distribute iconDistribute iconDistribute iconDistribute icon TT.To-Whs.Item.Lot A distribution to a specific warehouse.

The transaction type TT of the item or lot can be ‘purchased’, ‘manufactured’, ‘reclassified’, ‘scrapped’, ‘blended’, ‘subcontracted’, or ‘customer’.

Reclassify Reclassify icon RC.Whs.Item.Lot A reclassified item or lot in a specific warehouse.
Scrap Scrap icon SC.Whs.Item.Lot A scrapped item or lot in a specific warehouse.
Customer Order Customer Order icon CO.OrderNumber.LineNumber.DeliveryNumber.Lot A sold item or lot with a specific order number, line number, and delivery number.


Subcontract icon SU.TT.OrderNumber.LineNumber A subcontracted item or lot.

The transaction type TT of the item or lot can be ‘purchased’ or ‘manufactured’.


Blend icon BL.Whs.Item.Lot A blended item or lot in a specific warehouse.