Reports Not Relating Directly to a Trace Object

  • Group Hold Report

    This report lists reclassifications that have been performed using the reclassify function of the Stock Products, the Stock Components or Group Hold Report.

    1. Open the selection panel for the report. To do this, click the Group Hold Report link in the Report tab. Enter part or full Group Hold Code. The Group Hold Code is a time stamp from when the reclassification was done and starts with YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. Enter the date in YYYYMMDD format to get all reports for that date.

    2. Click the Search button to open Select Group Hold Report.

    3. Click the report number to open the detailed Group Hold Report showing the classified lot numbers and remarks (if any). This is the same report as the other stock reports enabling a release of lots that are moved to under inspection as part of the original Group Hold.

  • Rejected Transaction Report

    This report lists trace objects that are still in the data queue, rejected or inspected. The report allows for a rejected transaction to be activated in the data queue again, a transaction to be marked as inspected. In addition, the report has an option to list the defective trace line and accept it into the system as such.

    To be accepted, the transaction must have a link between two valid trace steps and must link to an already existing Step ID (unless the transaction is the start of a trace).

    Examples of transactions from M3 Business Engine that will be rejected are

    • Consumption/distribution/sale of a lot number created by a stock count

    • Consumption/distribution/sale of a lot number created by a requisition order

    • Consumption/distribution/sale of a lot number created by a manufacturing order where no lot controlled raw material has been reported.

    To open the panel for the rejected report, click the Rejected Transaction Report link in the Report tab. Select a Transaction status and limit the report by the available search arguments, if applicable.

    Click Search to open Rejected Transaction Report. The report has up to three active links depending on the selected transaction status.

    • Inspected - use this link to mark the transaction as inspected, removing it from the rejected list.

      To return an Inspected transaction back to the data queue run the report selecting the Inspected status and use the Queue link.

    • Active in Queue - use this link after a defective trace line has been corrected in M3 and you want to move the transaction back into the active queue.

    • Trace key to - click the trace key (step ID) for an object to open the Trace Rejected Report.

    A transaction will stay active in the data queue for a time period defined in the configuration. The most common reason for a transaction not to be accepted is that the previous step in the trace does not exist in the system. If a valid transaction for the previous step is entered into the data queue the transaction waiting active in queue will be accepted. After a given period an active transaction in the data queue will be moved to rejected status.

  • Track Rejected Report

    This report is started from the Rejected Transaction Report. The report lists the trace line as far back as available data allows. The report is useful when trying to find the reason for a broken trace line. If the issue can not be solved in M3, the report has an Add trace as incomplete link. If you click this link, any transactions listed with a from key (step ID) = *None will be inserted as trace line starting points classified as unknown and allowing for the rest of the trace line to enter into the system. This is a preferred solution to using the Inspected link as defective trace lines can be traced to best available information.

    The unknown starting points are displayed as red icons.

    In some cases the Add trace as incomplete link is replaced with a message saying 'Circular trace, can’t be added'. An accepted trace might circle back to itself, but it has to have a starting point. When the circular trace message is displayed the starting point is missing. An example is a lot number entered into a warehouse by a requisition order, then shipped to another warehouse and then shipped back to the original warehouse. The only way to handle these transactions on the rejected list is to mark them as inspected.

    The In Ex and Out Ex column indicates if the corresponding from and to id is already accepted in the trace line. Use the link in the Trace key to column to open the Lot Audit report for transaction details.

  • Manufacturing Order Audit Report

    The purpose of this report is to track missing or erroneous material reporting.

    The report compares the quantity material reported to the quantity that according to the receipt should have been used for the produced quantity.

    Note: Failing to report material usage might lead to deliveries not traced during a recall.

    The input to the report is a percentage interval for the usage and a date interval. 0 to 50% will list all material lines where reported material usage is less than 50% of what should have been used. Over usage might also indicate production issues, the selection 110% to 0% will list all material lines where the usage is 110% or more.

    Use the parameter .M3REPORT:MOAudit_MaxOrders to define the maximum number of manufacturing orders that are included in the analysis. The default is 1000.

    Use the parameter .M3SYS:DaysForOpenMO to define the number of days an order should be open for adding trace. The default is 30 days.

    The manufacturing orders specified by these two parameters will be the input to this report.

    Note: Running the report requires to have a limited date interval selected. Not specifying a limited interval allows a huge number of manufacturing orders to be included in the analysis which could prolong the response time.