About M3 Graphical Lot Tracker

M3 Graphical Lot Tracker is a configurable Internet-enabled repository that can receive, filter, and interpret any trace line information from any system within a company, a network of suppliers, transporters, customers, or any other third party entity. It enables the generation of an information database including all the information required when you need to perform the following activities:

  • Trace the supply chain from the semi-finished or finished product to the original raw materials or batches through all steps, occurrences, and activities

  • Track the raw material or batch along the supply chain to the semi-finished or finished product that is supplied to the customer

A transaction in M3 Graphical lot tracker must at least contain a from and to step, and a from and to Step ID.

A Step ID is a unique key identifying the combination of an object and the action performed on this object. Examples are a key to identify the receipt of purchased lot into a specific warehouse or the consumption of a raw material lot in a production order.

Note: A transaction where the from step is "Create" contains no from-Step ID.

M3 Graphical Lot Tracker accepts transactions via a data queue. The data queue is the entry point for transactions into M3 Graphical Lot Tracker. The transactions are created on the basis of transactions from the source system and are placed in the queue where they are validated before they are accepted or rejected.

To be accepted, the transaction must have a link between two valid trace steps and must link to an already existing Step ID (unless the transaction is the start of a trace). When accepted, the to-Step ID is added to the system in addition to a link between the from-Step ID to the to-Step ID and the transaction is removed from the data queue.