M3 API Security

As each Trace Line can be connected to a separate environment, the user must sign in using M3 API Security when addressing a Trace Line for the first time.

  1. Go to Server Manager > Role section and open Web Server (IIS).

    Add the security roles Windows Authentication and URL Authentication.

  2. In the IIS Manager, locate GraphicalLotTracker.
  3. From the IIS Section, double click Authentication to open the Authentication configuration screen. Disable Windows Authentication and enable Forms Authentication and Anonymous Authentication.
  4. Open the M3 Graphical Lot Tracker Configuration Tool and perform the following steps for each Trace Line that should use M3 API authentication:
    • Enter configuration values for .M3API:System and .M3API:Port.

    • Set configuration value for .TRACE:Security to Enabled.

    For further details on configuration values, see Parameters related to the M3TE configuration.